Updated:   1 June 2006

Distribution and Suggestions for Change

These documents are subject to the Quality Assurance procedures implemented by Geoscience Australia. Digital copies, and any hard copies made thereof, not registered and identified as controlled will not be automatically updated and should not be regarded as a definitive reference.

Controlled copies of these documents will be maintained by Geoscience Australia.

Suggestions for improvements or feedback on problems encountered using the specifications are welcomed. Feedback can be conducted by one of the two following methods:

  • providers of mapping services to Geoscience Australia should utilise the Action Request Forms previously supplied.
  • non-providers of mapping services to Geoscience Australia (e.g. General Public, other government or non-goverment agencies) may email the mapping program (mapfeedback@ga.gov.au) with any written comments. (Please include Specifications in the subject line)

Unless otherwise noted, all Geoscience Australia material on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence.