<% session.setAttribute("Drainage_Canal_Line_Line", "250k100k/superceded/AD1_111206/appendixA_files/Drainage_Canal_Line_Line.html"); session.setAttribute("Drainage_Connector_Line", "250k100k/superceded/AD1_111206/appendixA_files/Drainage_Connector_Line.html"); session.setAttribute("Drainage_Lock_Point", "250k100k/superceded/AD1_111206/appendixA_files/Drainage_Lock_Point.html"); session.setAttribute("Drainage_Rapid_Line_Line", "250k100k/superceded/AD1_111206/appendixA_files/Drainage_Rapid_Line_Line.html"); session.setAttribute("Drainage_Spillway_Line", "250k100k/superceded/AD1_111206/appendixA_files/Drainage_Spillway_Line.html"); session.setAttribute("Drainage_Watercourse_Line", "250k100k/superceded/AD1_111206/appendixA_files/Drainage_Watercourse_Line.html"); session.setAttribute("Drainage_Waterfall_Point_Point", "250k100k/superceded/AD1_111206/appendixA_files/Drainage_Waterfall_Point_Point.html"); %>
Geoscience Australia: Appendix A -Feature Type Dictionary
Updated:   12 May 2006

Scales 1:250 000 & 1:100 000

Canal Line




An artificial watercourse conveying water for inland navigation, irrigation or drainage purposes.

Minimum Size for Inclusion

Height 1:100 000
Area (sq m)
1:250 000
Area (sq m)

Data Attributes

FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String; No; 32] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented

Canal Line

NAME (NAME) [String; Yes; 60] Canal name

The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Spatial Verification

This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6);

Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digitial data for inital capture) used for Attribute Verification.

The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature (For use in TOPO100K only;).

PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [Short Integer; No; 4] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy.The default value, when not specified in project instructions, will be as follows;
100 / 40

DATA SOURCE (SOURCE) [String; No; 50] This is the official name of the agency that originally captured the spatial object for the TOPO250K NTDB (For use in TOPO250K only) ; The default value when unknown or not specified in project instructions will be GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

UNIQUE FEATURE IDENTIFIER (UFI) [String; Yes; 10] Alphanumeric feature identifier defined for GEODATA SERIES 2 (For use in TOPO250K only;) (see Section 3 chapter 5.14)

FEATURE CREATION DATE (CREATIONDATE) [Date; Yes; 0; 0; 36] Date of creation of feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

FEATURE RETIREMENT DATE (RETIREMENTDATE) [Date;Yes; 0; 0; 36] Date of retirement of feature in the database.This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER (PID) [Long Integer; Yes; 8] This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.

SYMBOL (SYMBOL) [Short Integer; No; 4] (Link to Symbol Dictionary)Symbol number/s applicable;


TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String; Yes; 50] Descriptive note to appear on map.

Geodatabase Rules

At 1:100 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to all feature occurrences.

At 1:250 000 size and any other selection criteria apply to new feature occurrences. All feature occurrences existing in the TOPO250K NTDB will be retained unless there is clear evidence they no longer exist.

When a new undersized length of canal line exists between two water pipelines which meet their selection criterion, then the section of canal line should be represented as a pipeline feature, accepting the attributes of its adjoining pipelines.

Features plotted wider than 1.0 mm to scale will be shown as Canal Area.
If not included in the name canals will have a TextNote eg ‘canal’, ’drain’.  

Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset


Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset


Map Rules

Canal lines will be masked for roads. The break will be the same as the width of the road it crosses.

If not included in the name canal lines will have a descriptive note eg ‘canal’, ’drain’.  

Related Features

Connector, Junction, Salt evaporator, Salt evaporator internal line, Limit of Data, Watercourse, Watercourse Area , Shoreline, WaterbodyBoundaries (Feature Class) 

Related Chapters

Section 2 chapter 2.2.3  

Related Products


Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary- Structure of an Entry regarding Related features,chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.

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