2.4.4 Mine Areas Example 3

Location of Example: 151°15'29" East, 27°56'42" South
Distinctive Characteristics:
  • Open cut mines are usually metalliferous or coal mines.
  • Open cut mines are generally quite large compared with quarries and underground mines.
  • Large open cut mine features are usually located away from settled areas and are often associated with extensive surface infrastructure, such as processing facilities, stockpiles, haul roads, settling ponds, power lines, mine accommodation villages, transport facilities.
  • In Figure: the spectral signature of the land disturbance is light blue/grey compared with the surrounding land and vegetation that is red/brown.
Regional Considerations:
Figure: Representation of a Mine Area in association with surrounding features.

Figure: Orthophotography 60cm RGB=123 Figure: SPOT 2.5m XI RGB=321

Topic contact: mapfeedback@ga.gov.au Last updated: January 20, 2012