{ "name": "ClipAndZip", "displayName": "ClipAndZip", "description": "The ClipAndZip tool takes an input polygong extent a WKT input and clips from a list of feature classes that \ncan be selected. The data is references from its own database containing Geodata Series 4 key infastructure layers\nplus certian ABS data layers (Urban Centres and Localities) with all layers projects to 4326 spatial references. \nThe output is a zipped file geodatabase with copyright text files from Geoscience Australia and Australian Bureau \nof Statistics included.", "category": "", "helpUrl": "http://www.ga.gov.au/arcgis/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/Geoprocessing/ClipAndZip_GPServer/Geoprocessing_ClipAndZip/ClipAndZip.htm", "executionType": "esriExecutionTypeAsynchronous", "parameters": [ { "name": "envelope", "dataType": "GPString", "displayName": "Input Envelope", "description": "Input Envelope", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionInput", "defaultValue": "POLYGON((149 -36, 149 -37, 150 -37, 150 -36))", "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeRequired", "category": "" }, { "name": "fcList", "dataType": "GPString", "displayName": "Input Feature Class Names", "description": "Input Feature Class Names", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionInput", "defaultValue": "Roads", "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeRequired", "category": "" }, { "name": "outputFile", "dataType": "GPDataFile", "displayName": "Output Zipfile", "description": "", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionOutput", "defaultValue": null, "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeDerived", "category": "" }, { "name": "spatialRef", "dataType": "GPString", "displayName": "Spatial Reference", "description": "Input Spatial Reference", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionInput", "defaultValue": "4326", "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeRequired", "category": "" } ] }