2.2.3 Landing Grounds Example 2

Location of Example: 152°59'38" East, 25°27'16" South
Distinctive Characteristics:
  • In Figure there is one access track and a small building associated with it which is common for non-commercial landing grounds
  • In Figure the dark grey/blue signature of the Landing Ground is in strong contrast to the red signature of the surrounding vegetation.
  • Landing Grounds appear as relatively long, straight, paved or graded features.
  • They are not part of the road network and generally have only a few access points.
  • They are often noticeably wider than surrounding roads.
  • In some cases, especially commercial landing grounds, they have a smaller taxi strip running parallel.
  • A buffer of Vegetation is generally cleared along the edges of the Landing Ground to minimise risk to aeroplane safety.
Regional Considerations:
  • In rural and remote areas Landing Grounds can be more isolated from surrounding infrastructure and simplified to a single strip. Access points may not be visible on imagery.
  • Whereas in more populated areas Landing Grounds can be of a more complex nature often with more than one landing strip (i.e. cross strip) and maybe more difficult to differentiate from licensed facilities without Reference Material.
Figure: Representation of a Landing Ground.

Figure: Orthophotography 60cm RGB=123 Figure: SPOT 2.5m RGB=321

Topic contact: mapfeedback@ga.gov.au Last updated: January 20, 2012