AusGeo News 76 (December 2004)
Table of Contents
- CEO Comment p3
- Geoscience essential in salinity management p4
- The changing face of temperate coastal waterways p8
- Call for research proposals for ANSIR experiments in 2005 and beyond p11
- Geosequestration of carbon dioxide - some frequently asked questions p12
- New directions for National Mapping Division p15
- How estuaries cope with nutrients p17
- Coastal CRC project update p20
- Shifting sands update p22
- Australia's mineral exploration ranking continues to slip p23
- Gawler seismic study p24
- Seamless topographic database becoming a reality p25
- Events Calendar 2005 p25
- 100K scale mapping pilot to help emergency management p26
- Agreement signed between Australian Greenhouse Office and Geoscience Australia p26
- Geophysical data released for key areas in WA p27
- ASTER data available soon p27
- New edition Magnetic Anomaly Map and Grids p28
- MODIS Update p29
- Landsat data prices reduced p29