Updated: 1 December 2007

2.3.6 Canals Vs Contour Banks Example 6

Location of Example: 147°58'44" East, 33°47'21" South
Distinctive Characteristics:
  • Contour banks are earthen structures constructed at intervals across cultivated slopes.
  • Contour banks intercept run-off and direct it into nearby Drainage or Waterbodies.
  • Contour banks can be identified by the small embankments intercepting the fall of the land.
  • Contour banks are not to be captured as Canals.
  • Canals generally start at a water source and can end at a Reservoir, Dam or Sea.
  • Contour banks differ from Canals as Canals transport water in an active manner (via pumping).
Regional Considerations:
Figure: Representation of Contour Banks.

Figure: SPOT 2.5m RGB=123

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