Updated: 1 December 2007

2.4.1 Fences

Location of Example: 25°17'49" South, 152°38'43" East
Distinctive Characteristics:
  • Fences tend to be depicted as narrower features than roads. They generally form polygonal shapes, outlining paddocks and properties. They also tend to cut across properties unlike roads.
  • The fences stand out as a narrower band of lighter blue as opposed to the thicker darker signature of the roads.
  • Fences generally enclose property boundaries or internal paddocks but do not provide connectivity or access to the farm infrastructure, i.e. Homesteads, Buildings, Water Tanks, etc.
Regional Considerations:
Figure: Representation of Fences Vs Roads.

Figure: Orthophotography 60cm RGB=123 Figure: Spot xmi rgb=321

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