About Our partners
Last updated:2 July 2018
Geoscience Australia actively participates in many cooperative projects at all levels of government and industry. These projects aim to promote standards and provide a simpler interface with our partners and clients.
Portals and collaborative websites
- Geoscience Portal - an initiative of the Australian Chief Government Geologists' Committee, which provides access to geoscience information from Federal, State and Territory Government levels.
- OzCoasts - comprehensive information about Australia's coast, including its estuaries and coastal waterways.
- Australian Mines Atlas - the Australian Atlas of mineral resources, mines, and processing centres.
Cooperative research
As part of our commitment to e-Government, Geoscience Australia is an active member of several Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) and other Australian Government funded collaborative research centres.
- MinEx CRC
- Bushfire CRC
- Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC
- National Environmental Research Program (NERP)
- FrontierSI
Concluded CRCs
- CRC for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (CRC LEME) - concluded 30 June 2008
- Predictive Mineral Discovery CRC (pmd*CRC) - concluded 30 June 2008
- Deep Exploration Technologies CRC (DET CRC - concluded September 2018
- Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES)
- Bureau of Meteorology
- Australian Geospatial Intelligence Organisation
- Department of Environment
- Australian Emergency Management
- PSMA Australia
Australian geological surveys
- Geological Survey of Queensland
- Geological Survey of NSW
- Geological Survey of South Australia
- Geological Survey of Victoria
- Geological Survey of Western Australia
- Mineral Resources Tasmania
- Northern Territory Geological Survey
Minerals and energy councils and peak bodies
- Chamber of Minerals and Energy, Western Australia
- Minerals Council of Australia
- Minerals Council of Australia - Northern Territory Division
- Minerals Council of Australia - Victorian Division
- New South Wales Mining
- Queensland Resources Council
- South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy
Standards and policy initiatives
Geoscience Australia is a leader in the development of standards and policies in many aspects of geology, geophysics and spatial information. We currently contribute to the following standards and policy initiatives:
- AusGeoRef is a cooperative venture with the American Geological Institute. AusGeoRef includes more than 170 000 bibliographic references on Australia, drawn from journal literature, meeting proceedings and abstracts, books, reports and maps.
- Australia and New Zealand Land Information Council (ANZLIC) is the peak council for public sector spatial data management in Australia and New Zealand.
- Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) is a change program on Australia's "common asset" of location information.
- Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) provides leadership through coordination and cooperation in surveying, mapping and charting.
Industry and professional associations
Geoscience Australia works closely with a range of industry and professional associations involved in the geoscience and spatial information fields.
- Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA)
- Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC)
- Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM)
- Australian Geothermal Energy Association
- Australian Geothermal Energy Association (AGEA)
- Australian Institute of Geoscientists
- Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG)
- Spatial Industry Business Association (SIBA)
- Geological Society of Australia
- International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH Australia)
- International Map Industry Association (IMIA)
- Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia
- Regional Committee of United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific (UN-GGIM-AP)
- Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI)