About Our partners

Last updated:2 July 2018

Geoscience Australia actively participates in many cooperative projects at all levels of government and industry. These projects aim to promote standards and provide a simpler interface with our partners and clients.

Portals and collaborative websites

  • Geoscience Portal - an initiative of the Australian Chief Government Geologists' Committee, which provides access to geoscience information from Federal, State and Territory Government levels.
  • OzCoasts - comprehensive information about Australia's coast, including its estuaries and coastal waterways.
  • Australian Mines Atlas - the Australian Atlas of mineral resources, mines, and processing centres.

Cooperative research

As part of our commitment to e-Government, Geoscience Australia is an active member of several Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) and other Australian Government funded collaborative research centres.

Concluded CRCs


Australian geological surveys

Minerals and energy councils and peak bodies

Standards and policy initiatives

Geoscience Australia is a leader in the development of standards and policies in many aspects of geology, geophysics and spatial information. We currently contribute to the following standards and policy initiatives:

Industry and professional associations

Geoscience Australia works closely with a range of industry and professional associations involved in the geoscience and spatial information fields.