AusGeo  December 2005  Issue No. 80

In this issue...


icon-Cities Project Perth article Natural hazard risk: Cities Project Perth

Good decisions need good data-the Cities Project Perth report will give decision makers high-quality information about natural hazard risk. >>More | Download PDF



icon-Uranium article Why Australia has so much uranium

Australia's vast resources of uranium amount to a staggering 40% of the world's total identified resources of uranium recoverable at low cost. >>More | Download PDF



icon - global mineral exploration article Australian mineral exploration update

Global mineral exploration grows, but our share falls again. >>More | Download PDF



icon - The Mellish Rise article The Mellish Rise: part of the Coral Sea geological jigsaw

Geoscience Australia's contribution to understanding one of the least known parts of Australia's marine jurisdiction. >>More | Download PDF



icon - timescales article The 'New' Ediacaran Period

The latest geological time scale includes a newly identified period named after a locality in South Australia. >>More | Download PDF



icon - Crustal deformation article Crustal deformation from the 26 December 2004-Andaman earthquake

Geoscience Australia's analysis of the largest earthquake since the beginning of modern space geodesy. >>More | Download PDF



icon - After the deluge article After the deluge, a post disaster survey

Geoscience Australia is developing and piloting post-disaster surveys to understand community vulnerability. >>More | Download PDF


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