BMR Research Newsletter

Page last updated:11 July 2023

No.1 |No.2 |No.3 |No.4 |No.5 |No.6 |No.7 |No.8 |No.9 |No.10 |No.11 |No.12 |No.13 |No.14 |No.15 |No.16 |No.17 |No.18 |No.19 |No.20 |No.21 |No.22 |No.23 |No.24 |No.25 |No.26 |No.27 |No.28 |No.29 |No.30 |No.31 |No.32 |No.33 |No.34

BMR Research Newsletter, no.1 (September 1984)

Pages Title

1-3 New hydrocarbon plays in the Bass Basin
3-4 New gravity standards
4 An exhaustive study of Permian coals concludes
4 Release of new gravity and terrain data sets
6 Space-shuttle radar research soon to be launched
6-5 The Clarence-Moreton Basin - a multidisciplinary study begins
7-8 BMR commences new offshore research program
8 Four new petroleum-oriented cruises in the southwest Pacific
9 Fission-track analysis to provide clues to sedimentary basin thermal histories
9-10 AUSTCO - a computer-based well data system
10 Lamproite: a new important primary source of diamond
11 Future direction of airborne geophysical mapping and Interpretation
12-13 Lake George: preliminary palynology of deep sediments
13 Uranium deposits - handbooks forthcoming
14 RAD's enhanced oil recovery studies
14 Conodont colour alteration applied to thermal maturation and mineralisation studies
14-15 McArthur Basin - hydrocarbon assessment studies

BMR Research Newsletter, no.2 (April 1985)

Pages Title

1-2 New models or extension tectonics, and their implications for Australian geology
2 Honour: David Denham
3 Database advances in palaeomagnetic data processing
3 Gold mineralisation at Pine Creek
4 Geomagnetic observations at Cape Denison
4 New source for daily metal prices
4-5 Reviews: Selected recent BMR publications
6 New focus in the search for uranium deposits
6 New microprobe for Division of Petrology & Geochemistry
7 New Ireland Basin petroleum prospectiveness
8 Ore distribution in the Pine Creek Geosyncline
8 Honour: Mike McElhinny
9-10 Developing models for gold genesis in northern QLD
10 Retirement - Keith Carter
10 Oolong earthquake series, August-December 1984
11 Nappe tectonics In the Mount Isa Inlier
11,14 West Woodlark Basin Structure and potential seafloor mineralisation
12 Australia's first Laser Raman microprobe
12,14 Distribution of phosphate deposits around the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary
13-14 BMR's down-hole EM omnidirectional probe
15 Lachlan Fold Belt Magmatic controls of mineralisation
16 A new style of mineralisation in Australia - fact or fantasy?
16,15 Image-processed data: Key to the compilation of magnetic maps for enhanced interpretation

BMR Research Newsletter, no.3 (October 1985)

Pages Title

1-2 BMR strikes the world's oldest oil
2-1 Murray Basin Mid-Tertiary palynological biostratigraphy and climate
3 Heard on the Kerguelen Plateau
4-5 Structural and tectonic styles in the Eromanga Basin
5-6 Farewell John Ferguson
6 Microbiologically enhanced oil recovery
6-7 New source for industrial minerals' prices
7 Reviews - Selected recent publications
8 Characterisation of Australian petroleum accumulations
8 BMR's new numerical reservoir simulator
9-10 PASSCAL - A new high-resolution seismic study of the continents
10 BMR's marine tau-p studies in preparation for a survey of the Exmouth Plateau
11-12 Central Eromanga region - New ideas on the maturation history and development
12 In-situ crustal stress measurements
13-14 A new advance In dating weathered profiles
14 Reservoir fluid (PVT) analysis
14-15 BMR's contribution to the Circum-Pacific Map Project
15 Publication of Project Investigator-l charts
15 Crustal geophysics research in Europe
16 Highlights of a recent phosphate workshop and symposium, SE USA
16-17 Review: The Canberra Geomagnetic Workshop, May 1985
17 Honour: Liz Truswell
18 New image-processed magnetics for the 'Top End'
19 GPS surveying for the Earth sciences
20 Hydrocarbon indications off Western Tasmania

BMR Research Newsletter, no.4 (April 1986)

Pages Title

1-2 Transpressional strike-slip faulting in the Mount Isa Inlier
2 Honour: Dan Bubela
3 Deep-Tow Side-Scan Sonar - A new tool for seafloor studies
4-5 Australian Iron Ore Industry Mission to Brazil, July 1985
5 Polymetallic nodules - A commercial product or a collectors' item?
5 Location of the south magnetic pole
6-7 The Nth-root stack - A process for enhancing the interpretation of geophysical data
7 The oldest age determined for Pilbara greenstones
8-9 The Ocean Drilling Program - Proposed Australasian sites
9 Northeast Australia research cruises
10-11 Proof of explosive origin for the Lawn Hill circular structure
11 BMR seismic line in SE Queensland robes shallow and deep sedimentary basins
12 Towards the completion of reconnaissance - aeromagnetic coverage of Australia
12 Honour Peter Davies
12-13 Farewell Cliff Ollier
13 Research on radioisotope-rich granites
13 International Volcanological Congress, New Zealand - Explosive volcanism, geochemistry, hazards, and metallogenesis
14-15 US/Australian Joint Scanner Project - Technological advances in remote sensing applied in Australia
15 Otway Basin - Processing of recent regional marine seismic data nears completion
16,15 Archaean volcanics in the Pilbara Block - Petrogenetic, tectonic, and economic implications of a trace-element study

BMR Research Newsletter, no.5 (October 1986)

Pages Title

1-2 Platinum group minerals from a layer in the Munni Munni Complex of the Pilbara Block
3-4 The Exmouth Plateau revisited
4 Welcome Dick Henley New Chief Scientist, Division of Petrology & Geochemistry
5 Southwest Pacific research cruise
6-7 Murray Basin subsurface stratigraphic database
7 Towards the integration of image processing and computer graphics in BMR
7-9 Woodlark Triple junction Sonar imagery from a spreading back-arc basin
10 Marine heatflow - A new field for Australian marine geoscience
10-11 Stable isotopic evidence for high rates of organic carbon accumulation in the Late Proterozoic
11 The notion and motion of the Australian Lithosphere
12-13 French expeditions to the southern Kerguelen Plateau
13 Global Geosciences Transect Project
13 Seismic symposium
14 Reflections of an Australian's visit to China: Rifts and resources
15 1986 BMR Research Symposium, 13-14 November - program
16,15 Hydrocarbon fluid inclusions and timing of oil migration

BMR Research Newsletter, no.6 (April 1987)

Pages Title

1-2 Complex hydrocarbons in fluid inclusions in gold and tin deposits A new frontier for mineral exploration
2 Detailed gravity traverse aids Murray Basin water resources research
3-4 Changes in Proterozoic granitoid compositions with time
4-5 Alteration styles in the Eastern Creek Volcanics Significance for Cu and U mineralisation
6-7 Controls of mineralisation in the Featherbed Volcanics, northeast Queensland
8-9 Omnipprobe Performance and future direction
9 Regolith research
9 New geochronological results from the Davenport province, and implications for the Arunta Inlier
10-11 Extensional structures in the Mount Isa Inlier
11 Petroleum geology of the Siberian Platform Clues for the occurrence of Proterozoic petroleum
13 Australia's undiscovered petroleum resources A new assessment by BMR
14 Stratigraphy and structure in the Tommy Creek area, Mount Isa Inlier
15 Long-lived instability as a possible control of mineralisation in northeast Queensland
16,15 Diamond genesis - The role of the subcontinental mantle

BMR Research Newsletter, no.7 (October 1987)

Pages Title

1 Thermogenic gases in the offshore Otway Basin and western Tasmania margin
1-2 Applied Extension Tectonics 1987 BMR Research Symposium, 24-26 November, Canberra
2-4 Seabed sampling off southeast Australia
4-5 Geochemcial cruise off northern NSW finds evidence for new mechanism of marine phosphorite formation
5-6 North Perth Basin project
7 More power to the Marine Division: RV Rig Seismic's seismic source upgraded
8-9 Thick-skinned tectonics in central Australia: Deep seismic results from a multidisciplinary study
9 New Hydrogeological Map of Australia
10 Thrust sheets in the northerneastern Amadeus Basin, NT: stratigraphic repetition enhances hydrocarbon prospects
10-11 New model for evolution of Amadeus Basin
11-12 Book review: Recent advances in understanding Precambrian gold deposits, ed. Ho & Groves, UWA, 1987
12-13 Chemical modelling of ore fluids: the CSIRO-SGTE Thermodata programs established at BMR
13 Extensional tectonics in the Tumut Trough
14 BMR completes study of hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Middle Proterozoic McArthur Basin
15 Seismic survey provides new information on eastern margin of Surat Basin, Qld
15-16 Palaeogeographic Maps project: drawing to a close as a successor waits in the wings
16 Googong Dam and the Upper Naas Valley earthquake of 4 April 1987
16 Cadoux earthquake, 7 March 1987

BMR Research Newsletter, no.8 (April 1988)

Pages Title

1-2 Graphite-bearing ignimbrites and granites at Croydon, Queensland, and their relationship to gold mineralisation
2-4 Extension tectonics extended: new results from the Mount Isa Inlier
4-6 Collaborative regional geochemical survey in Kalimantan: results of gold analyses
6-7 Biomarker research and its application in petroleum exploration
7-8 Petroleum potential of the Clarence-Moreton Basin upgraded
8 Professor Rutland honoured
9 Landsat Thematic Mapper: a valuable geological tool, but ...
9 Brave new world in cartography
10-11 Kimberlites and diamonds in China
11-12 A possible joint Sino-Australian project in Xinjiang, China
12 Probing the Canning's secrets: a new five year study
13-14 Ordovician magmatism, gold mineralisation, and an integrated tectonic model for the Ordovician and Silurian history of the Lachlan Fold Belt in NSW
14 Growth of the Lachlan Orogen by eastwards accretion
15 Bicentennial earthquakes at Tennant Creek

BMR Research Newsletter, no.9 (October 1988)

Pages Title

1-2 Rig Seismic investigates Tasmanian margin
2-3 Block and possible terrane boundaries in the Mount Isa Inlier
3-4 Towards an Australian time scale
4-5 Epithermal gold, and foreland faulting and magmatism, Kalimantan, Indonesia
5 Release of 'GOA', BMR's new whole-rock geochemical data analysis system
6-7 Thermogenic gases in sea-floor sediments, offshore Otway and Gippsland Basins
8 BMR publications, maps and data releases, and how to obtain them
9 Issue of Precambrian Research on the Early to Middle Proterozoic
10-11 Estimation of oil discovery and production in Australia from undiscovered accumulations (onshore)
11 New potential reservoir identified in Clarence-Moreton Basin
12 Comparison of Amadeus Basin with Sichuan Basin, southwest China
12-13 Non-volcanic sources of diamond: subducted eclogites and peridotite massifs?
13 Use of aeromagnetic flight-line profiles: mapping lithological trends in high-grade gneiss
14 Ocean drilling on the southern Kerguelen Plateau
14-15 New waterguns improve seismic resolution aboard Rig Seismic
15 BMR's Murray Basin Groundwater Project: a Commonwealth-State joint venture
15-16 New National Resource Information Centre 'NRIC'
16 Recent symposium, 'Deep Seismic Probing of Continents and their Margins'

BMR Research Newsletter, no.10 (April 1989)

Pages Title

1-4 New mapping extends Drummond Basin gold potential
4-6 Significance of ultrabasic components of the Giles Complex, central Australia
6-7 Gold potential of early shear zones near Leonora, WA
7 Kalgoorlie regolith results
7-8 Major new platinum-group metals report
8 New publications on SW Pacific geology and mineral resources
8-10 Sequence-stratigraphy, rifts, and tides at Mount Isa
10-11 First palaeomagnetic data: Permo-Carboniferous epithermal activity in the Flinders Ranges?
11-12 BMR in Indonesia
12 Ocean Drilling Program (Leg 123) drills near Exmouth Plateau
12-13 Under-way geochemical exploration for offshore petroleum
13 Offshore mineral studies at BMR
14-15 New facts on old phosphates: Middle Cambrian, Georgina Basin
15 Radioactive tenterhooks

BMR Research Newsletter, no.11 (October 1989)

Pages Title

1-3 Mike Etheridge on 'Recent and Future Trends in Geoscience Mapping'
3-4 Irian Jaya full-colour geoscientific maps released
4 Dr Stan Ozimic (obituary)
5-6 Recognising sinters in epithermal gold deposits
6-7 Present-day formation waters provide clues to origins of Canning Basin Zn-Pb deposits
8-9 Geoscience Mapping Towards the 21 st Century 1989 BMR Research Symposium, 7- 9 November, Canberra
9-10 The airship and the earth scientist
10 Abolition of the Resource Assessment Division and the transfer of functions
10 World graphite resources report
11-12 New study completed on Bonaparte Basin petroleum accumulations
13-14 Regional seismic profiling provides new information on tectonic evolution and possible petroleum plays in the Amadeus Basin, central Australia
14-15 National Geoscience Mapping Accord

BMR Research Newsletter, no.12 (April 1990)

Pages Title

1-2 Localisation of mineralisation in the Coronation Hill and related deposits, South Alligator Valley Mineral Field, NT
2-4 High uranium granites of the Kakadu NW Arnhem Land region
5-6 Stream-sediment goechemistry of the original Kakadu Conservation Zone
6-8 New results from the Mount lsa Geotraverse
8-9 Sons of Gwalia gold deposit, WA - Localisation in an Archaean extensional ductile shear zone
9 LEONORA (WA) geological sheets released
9 GDA upgrade
10-11 Deep-sea polymetallic sulphides (including new discoveries in the SW Pacific)
11-12 The Mud Tank Carbonatite, NT - An example of metasomatism at mid-crustal levels
12-13 Finger-printing diamonds by their nitrogen aggregation state
13 Announcing a one-day workshop at BMR on Hydrodynamics of Basinal Fluids: application to petroleum migration and ore formation by Dr. Craig Bethke
13 The BMR Mineral Data Analysis System (MDA)
14-15 Setting of epithermal gold mineralisation in the northern Drummond Basin further refined
15-16 Carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposits in the Canning Basin: preliminary chemical modelling
16-17 Major new publication on Australian and New Zealand intraplate volcanism
17-18 Do lamprophyres have high precious metal contents?
18-20 The Giles Complex, central Australia - New insights into tectonics and metamorphism

BMR Research Newsletter, no.13 (October 1990)

Pages Title

1-2 Triassic and Jurassic carbonate buildups on the Exmouth Plateau. Are they petroleum prospects?
2 Kosciusko geological map heralds new parks mapping project
3-4 Mapping the offshore Maryborough Basin aboard RV Rig Seismic
4-5 Otway Basin petroleum accumulations study completed
5 Distributed image processing at BMR
6-7 A new method of dating Australian Precambrian rocks Accumulated polar wander
7 BMR completes a pilot Geographic Information System The Kakadu GIS
8 High platinum potential on the Lachlan Fold Belt
9-10 Geochemical discrimination of mafic layered units, eastern Pine Creek Inlier
10 ORGCHEM - Organic geochemical database
10 New publications on the Amadeus Basin available soon
11-12 ODP Leg 121 palaeomagnetism gives new insights into the evolution of Broken Ridge, Ninetyeast Ridge, and the Himalayan collision model
13-14 Bowen Basin tectonic models tested by BMR deep seismic profiles
14 New stable-isotope facility
16,15 Petroleum source-rock assessment and hydrocarbon generation in terrigenous sequences

BMR Research Newsletter, no.14 (April 1991)

Pages Title

1-2 Regional oxygen-isotope patterns Implications for epithermal gold exploration
2-3 The 'Tumut Trough' is no more
3-4 Depositional age of volcanic precursors of the 'Potosi' gneiss, Broken Hill Group
4-5 Stratigraphy of the Pul Pul Rhyolite, South Alligator Valley Mineral Field
6-7, 15-16 The felsic metamorphic/igneous core complexes hosting the Giles Complex
7-8 Environmental mapping in BMR - Cainozoic deposits, landforms, and vegetation in the Tomkinson Ranges
8 Book review - Igneous Petrology
9-10 National Geoscience Mapping Accord - Preliminary results of the Kimberley - Arunta project 1. Halls Creek Area, East Kimberley
12-13 A WAGS - towards an 'aeromagnetic risk' map of Australia, and a basis for regional magnetic field surveys
13-14 New K-Ar constraints on the onset of subsidence in the Canning Basin
14-15 New insights to the structural evolution of the Coen Inlier

BMR Research Newsletter, no.15 (October 1991)

Pages Title

1-3 Development of new play concepts using sequence stratigraphy: Devonian- Carboniferous, Canning Basin, WA
3-5 Ashmore-Cartier prospectivity study, Bonaparte Basin: Ashmore Platform, Vulcan Sub-basin, and Jabiru Terrace
5 Multidisciplinary studies in the Vulcan Sub-basin, Timor Sea
5-6 Browse Basin Petroleum Prospectivity Study
6-8 Absolute magnitude of Neogene sea-level fluctuations
8-9 Eyre Sub-basin: structural framework and hydrocarbon potential
9-10 Enhanced oil recovery: results and opportunities
10-12 Towards a balanced future BMR marine program: new basins, new approaches, new ideas
12-14 Seismic interpretation and mapping of the western Tasmanian margin
14-16 Age control on sedimentary sequences
16-17 A prospective sequence in the northern Arafura Basin, NT
18 Preliminary interpretations of BMR and industry seismic from sedimentary basins in eastern Australia
19 Palaeogeographic, palaeoenvironmental, and age controls on the composition of petroleum source rocks and their derived oils
19-20 Current development of the BMR National Petroleum Database

BMR Research Newsletter, no.16 (April 1992)

Pages Title

1-3 Au-Pt-Pd-U mineralisation in the Coronation Hill-El Sherana region, NT.
3-5 Fluid inclusion and oxygen-isotope evidence for low-temperature Au-Pt-Pd( + U) mineralisation at Coronation Hill, NT
5-6 New results from the BMR Yilgarn granite database: implications for metallogeny, tectonics, and lower crustal structure
6-9 Magmatic and metamorphic evolution and economic potential of the mafic/ultramafic Giles Complex, western Musgrave Block, W.A.
9-10 1991 Eastern Goldfields seismic reflection survey
10-11 Geological investigations in the Kimberley-Arunta region
11-12 Giant sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits: what drives metal enrichment?
12-13 Metal segregation by magmatic gases-first results from new fluid inclusion technique
13-16 The Williams and Naraku Batholiths, Mt Isa Inlier: an analogue of the Olympic Dam Granites?
16-17 New tectonic model for the Cobar Basin, NSW, points to new exploration targets in Lachlan Fold Belt
18 Officer Basin project gets go-ahead
18-22 Cape York Peninsula update
22-23 Mapping in high-grade terranes: use of remotely sensed data and airborne geophysics
23-24 BMR detects hydrocarbon pollution off Sydney

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.17 (October 1992)

Pages Title

1-2 New clues to petroleum prospectivity of offshore Philippines Basins with AGSO surface geochemical (DHD) techniques
2-3 Palaeomagnetism delivers a "whopper" on the southeastern McArthur Basin
3-4 Geometry of Gunnedah Basin and New England Orogen examined by AGSO deep seismic profile
4-6 The role of position-located whole-rock geochemical data in exploration
6-8 Contact relationships and structure of the Hinckley Gabbro and environs, Giles Complex, Western Musgrave Block, W.A.
9 Chinese earthquakes to rock Australian buildings
9-11 Zircon U/Pb chronology, tectono-thermal and crust-forming events in the Tomkinson Ranges, Musgrave Block, Central Australia
11-12 Aquifers at risk: towards a national groundwater quality perspective
12-13 Salt lake dynamics, wastewater disposal, and evaporation basins
13-14 New mapping in the Bathurst Sheet area - increased metallogenie potential
15-16 Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of Bowen and Surat Basin successions, Taroom region, Queensland
16 The magnetic anomaly map of Australia

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.18 (May 1993)

Pages Title

1-2 Epithermal gold potential in the northern Coen Inlier
2-3 The Australian groundwater quality assessment project
4-5 Connecting the Riverina and Waroonga Gneisses, Eastern Goldfields
5-6 Extension of the Woodroffe Thrust, Musgrave Block, into Western Australia
6-7 High-pressure granulite to eclogite-facies metamorphism in the western Musgrave Block, central Australia
7-9 The Australian palaeoclimatic record -The key to future climate-change modelling
8-9 Prospective layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the East Kimberley
9-11 Regional evidence for Mount Isa-style copper ore systems The scale of the Mount Isa copper system
11 The Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series Underpinning ecologically sustainable management strategies
12 Christmas Island research cruise defines offshore resource
13-14 New model for evolution of the Gippsland Basin
14-15 Advanced remote-sensing mapping of shallow-marine environments
15 Tectonic history of the Champ de Mars and westernmost Hinckley Range areas
16 Australian petroleum systems: framework for exploration

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.19 (November 1993)

Pages Title

1-2 Potential applications of palaeomagnetism to mineral exploration in the Proterozoic of northern Australia
2 Geology and geological processes of Australian national parks
3-4 Empirical observations on granite-associated gold ± base-metal mineral deposits in the Proterozoic of Australia
4-5 Geochronological results from the Eastern Fold Belt Mount Isa Inlier - New depositional andmetamorphic ages
5-8 The relationship between granite composition, host rock types, and Au ± base-metal mineralisation in the Cullen Mineral Field, Pine Creek Inlier
8 Environmental monitoring strategies and non-renewable resources, offshore Sydney
9-10 Correlation of structurally disrupted layered ultramafic-mafic intrusions in the East Kimberley: is Big Ben part of the Panton intrusion?
10-11 Mapping natural hazards
11-12 Earth science and environmental diversity in the Jervis Bay area
12-13 Hydrocarbon plumes on the continental shelf
13-14 Nd-isotopic 'fingerprinting' of Cu/Au mineralisation in the Lachlan Fold Belt
14 Pliocene to Holocene stratigraphic chart for Antarctica records a fluctuating ice sheet
15 Albian and Maastrichtian nannofloral biogeographic provinces in Western Australia - Implications for palaeolatitudes and pole positions for Australia
16 High-nitrate groundwater in the Australian arid zone - Origin of the nitrate, and possibledenitrification technology

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.20 (May 1994)

Pages Title

1-2 Lead-isotope-based stratigraphic correlations and ages of Proterozoic sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits in the Mount Isa Inlier
3-5 Potential for magnetostratigraphy as a correlation tool in the Late Permian coal measures of eastern Australian basins
5-7 New geological and geochronological constraints on volcanogenic massive sulphide prospectivity near Halls Creek (WA)
7-8 Revision of Late Triassic biostratigraphy of the North West Shelf
8-9 Permian-Carboniferous magmatism in north Queensland A new perspective
9-11 Mineralisation potential of the granites of the Cape York Peninsula Batholith, Cape Weymouth, Coen, and Ebagoola 1 :250 000 Sheet areas
11-13 Implications of Pb-isotope data for tectonostratigraphic correlations in the Proterozoic of central Australia
13-14 Benthic chamber technology and the sea-floor of Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne
14-16 Landscape evolution in the East Kimberley region, Western Australia
16-17 Mapping large-scale hydrothermal systems using coincident magnetic and gamma-ray spectrometric anomalies
17-18 The 'Keith-Kilkenny Lineament': fault or fiction?
19 A milestone in geomagnetic processing
19-20 Plate tectonics of the Christmas Island region, northeast Indian Ocean

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.21 (November 1994)

Pages Title

1-2 Prospective hot-dry-rock geothermal energy in Australia
2-3 Origin and timing of petroleum generation in the Bowen and Surat Basins
3-4 Image separation for map production - A workflow explained
5-7 Mapping of continental and oceanic crust west and south of Tasmania
7-8 Sulphur-undersaturated magmatism - a key factor for generating magma-related copper-gold deposits
8-11 Vulcan Sub-basin, Timor Sea Clues to the structural reactivation and migration history from the recognition of hydrocarbon seepage indicators
11-12 A proposed extensional transfer structure in the Archaean of the Eastern Goldfields
12-13 Dynamic data exchange' connections to MicroStation from an Excel spreadsheet
13-14 The Mount Stavely Volcanic Complex, western Victoria: mainland equivalents of the Tasmanian Cambrian Mount Read Volcanics
16-14 Magnetic secrets of the Palaeoproterozoic Kombolgie Formation revealed

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.22 (May 1995)

Pages Title

1-2 Recent NGMA mapping highlights the metallogenic potential of the East Kimberley
2-3 Ocean outfall discharges of nutrients, offshore Sydney
3-5 Applications of the laser Raman microprobe to the study of layered intrusions
5-7 Preservation of old accumulations - key to Canning hydrocarbon exploration
7-8 High-precision geochronology of Palaeoproterozoic layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the East Kimberley
8-9 The Lakefield Basin a newly named Permian basin in far north Queensland
9-11 New mineral discoveries in the East Kimberley
11-12 Late Palaeozoic magmatism in north Queensland: recent new perspective expanded by transfer-structure hypothesis
12-14 Airborne gamma-ray spectrometry as a tool for assessing relative landscape activity and weathering development of regolith, including soils
14-17 Palaeomagnetism suggests mid-Carboniferous convergence between Greater Australia and Altaids
17 Magnetic reference field models for 1995
17-19 Geochemistry as an aid to interpreting relationships in the Narwietooma Metamorphic Complex, Central Province of the Arunta Block, central Australia
19 Chemical oceanography of Port Phillip Bay
19-20 Geochronology of an exposed late Archaean basement terrane in The Granites-Tanami region

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.23 (November 1995)

Pages Title

1-3 Australian crustal elements map: A geophysical model for the tectonic framework of the continent
3-5 A reality and a winner - automated AF demagnetisation comes of age in palaeomagnetic methodology at AGSO
5-7 Is oil being generated beneath the northern Arafura Sea?
7-8 Ocean-bottom-sesimograph cruise on the North West Shelf
8-10 NABRE's first field season facilitates the discrimination of sequence boundaries and maximum-flooding and transgressive surfaces in the Mount Isa-Lawn Hill region
10-11 AGSO's 'fill-spill ' project: reducing exploration risk on the North West Shelf
11-12 The Fundamental Gravity Network in Victoria
13-15 Reworked Ordovician conodonts lead to an enhanced mineral and hydrocarbon potential in the southern Petrel Sub-basin, Western Australia
16 The Broken Hill Exploration Initiative- seeking renewed prospectivity in an historically prospectivearea of New South Wales and South Australia

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.24 (May 1996)

Pages Title

1-4 Gold targets in the northeast Duketon 1 :250 000 Sheet area, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia
4-6 How ancient is the Bungle Bungle Range of the East Kimberley, Western Australia?
6-8 The Mount lsa geodynamic transect The deep seismic reflection profile south of Mount lsa and Cloncurry
9-10 The Mount lsa geodynamic transect Implications of the seismic refraction model
10-12 The Mount lsa geodynamic transect A 2.5-dimensional metallogenic GIS analysis
13-15 A major magmatic event during 1050-1080 Main central Australia, and an emplacement age for the Giles Complex
16 The effective elastic thickness of the Australian crust: a major control on the wavelength and shape of topography and basins
17-19 The precious-metals potential of the Rockley Volcanics in the Lachlan Fold Belt
20 A continued effort to improve lead-isotope model ages

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.25 (November 1996)

Pages Title

1-3 Re-evaluating the structure of Broken Hill
3-5 If only Newton had had AGSO's FieldPad
5-7 New insights to the evolution of the Bass Basin
7 The use of X-rays and neutrons to evaluate hydrocarbon generation in petroleum-source rocks
8-9 The age of Cu-Au mineralisation, Cloncurry district, Mount Isa Inlier, as determined by 40 Ar/39 Ar dating
10-12 Depths of emplacement of Precambrian layered intrusions in the East Kimberley
12-14 Petroleum systems of the Bowen and Surat Basins
14-16 Alteration mineral mapping with the laser Raman microprobe: a new technique
16-17 Complex attributes: new tools for enhancing aeromagnetic data
17-19 Crustal architecture in northwest Tasmania revealed by deep seismic reflection profiling
20-21 Sources of fluoride In groundwater In north Queensland
21-23 Further constraints on sequence stratigraphic correlations in the Mount Isa, McNamara, and McArthur Groups
24 Source and generation history of Palaeozoic hydrocarbons, Petrel Sub-basin

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.26 (May 1997)

Pages Title

1-4 Mineral-mapping in the north Pilbara Craton
4-7 Proterozoic thrusting in the Osmand Range area of the East Kimberley, Western Australia
7-9 Rock magnetism gets under way in AGSO
9-11 Piercing the regolith veil -Identifying parent rocks from weathered equivalents, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia
11-12 Pieces of eight - Charting the event-related surfaces of the Mount Isa and McArthur basin
13-16 Balanced petrology of the crust in the Mount Isa region
16-17 Rocks of Mount Isa Group age in the Eastern Fold Belt
17-20 Recent tectonics and landscape evolution in the Broken Hill region
20-23 Why sequence stratigraphy and not lithostratigraphy for exploration?
24 Geodynamic models and palaeomagnetic constraints on the evolution of the North West Shelf

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.27 (November 1997)

Pages Title

1-4 Multibeam sonar reveals sea-bed structure and processes off east Tasmania and Gippsland
4-8 The continental margin off west Tasmania, and Tasmania's marginal plateaus
8-10 Multiple filling history in the Gilmore gas field, Adavale Basin, central Queensland
11-13 Archaean geology of the Lake Violet 1:100 000 Sheet area, Yandal greenstone belt, Eastern Goldfields Province, Western Australia
13-15 Oil families, petroleum systems and supersystems - North West Shelf and eastern Indonesian synergies - today Australia, tomorrow the world!
15-17 Lineament interpretation for groundwater assessment in arid central Australia
17-19 Are there Voisey's Bay-type Ni-Cu-Co sulphide deposits in the East Kimberley of Western Australia?
19-21 Speculations relating to the layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the East Kimberley, Western Australia
22-23 Nutrients, catchment run-off, and estuarine response in the Swan-Canning estuary, Western Australia
24 Solid geology of the Nabberu 1:250 000 Sheet area, Western Australia

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.28 (May 1998)

Pages Title

1-6 A newly discovered major Proterozoic granite-alteration system in the Mount Webb region, central Australia, and implications for Cu-Au mineralisation
6-7 A Mesoproterozoic palaeomagnetic age for the gold-bearing Quamby Conglomerate, Queensland
8-10 A comparison of Ordovician and Devonian magmatism in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt: re-evaluating exploration targets
10-11 AGSO's new confocal laser Raman microprobe
12-14 Problems with the Cretaceous biostratigraphic system of Australia: time for a review
14-16 Gamma-ray spectrometric data: modelling to map primary lithology and later chemical mobilisation
17-19 Using images in a geological interpretation of magnetic data
20-23 Average composition of the crust in the Australian, Fennoscandian and Ukrainian shields from refraction seismic studies and petrophysical modelling
23-25 Shrimp U-Pb dating of ignimbrites in the Pol Pol Rhyolite, Northern Territory: A cautionary tale
25-29 New Nd-isotopic and geochemical data from the west Pilbara
29-32 Basement studies in basin analysis: new insights into the evolution of the Lawn Hill Platform

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.29 (November 1998)

Pages Title

1-4 Exploration significance of the Hiltaba Suite, SA
4-6 Recognition, structural significance, and prospectivity
7-9 Phanerozoic polepath loops, and their correlation with basin development and resource accumulation
10-11 Environmental change recorded in sediments from Tasmanian lakes
11-13 Arid-zone groundwater recharge and palaeorecharge: insights from the radioisotope chlorine-36
14-16 Gamma-ray spectrometric and oxygen-isotope mapping of regional alteration halos in massive sulphide districts: an example from Panorama, central Pilbara Craton
16-18 Subeclogitic rocks and their implications for crustal structure in the western Musgrave Block, central Australia
18-20 A seismic model of the crust through the Broken Hill Block and Tasman Line
21-23 Structural framework of the northeastern Yilgarn Craton and implications for hydrothermal gold mineralisation
24-25 Towards national geoscience data standards
26-28 Metallogenic potential of the felsic igneous rocks of the Tennant Creek and Davenport Provinces, Northern Territory

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.30 (May 1999)

Pages Title

1-5 Alluvial gold potential in buried palaeochannels in the Wyalong district, Lachlan Fold Belt, New South Wales
5-7 Taking geology beneath cover at Broken Hill - Implications of structurally controlled magnetic anomalies for interpretation and mineral exploration
7-10 Rock-property-structural-geology synergy at work in Broken Hill - A case for structural control of linear magnetic anomalies
10-12 Definition of high-temperature alteration zones with PIMA: an example from the Panorama VHMS district, central Pilbara Craton
12-15 Deformation and gold mineralisation of the Archaean Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
15-17 Granitoid complexes and greenstone belts in the Pilbara Craton interpreted to extend down to the mid- crustal boundary at 14 km
17-19 Stable isotopes - signposts for mineralisation - A new regional exploration tool
20-23 Some thermal consequences of high heat production in the Australian Proterozoic
23 Interactive processing of mineral resource and occurrence data by Web users
23-26 Post-intrusion heating associated with high-heat-producing Proterozoic granites - implications for mineralisation?
26-28 The Kombolgie Subgroup - a new look at an old 'formation'

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.31 (November 1999)

Pages Title

1-3 Finding new mineral prospects with HYMAP: early results from a hyperspectral remote-sensing case study in the west Pilbara
4-6 Nutrient recycling and benthic activity in a shallow coastal lagoon in Western Australia
6-11 Crustal reflectivity and bulk seismic velocity: how close is the relationship?
11-12 Ocean-floor volcanism in the Lachlan Fold Belt: new evidence from the Wyalong area, New South Wales
12-13 The evolution of geoscientific metadata
14-17 Scientific visualisation and 3D modelling applications for mineral exploration and environmental management
17-20 Evidence for possible zinc transport in hydrocarbon-bearing (C1-C9) fluids in the formation of Cobar- style deposits?
20-21 Preliminary AGSO scheme for standard database entry of sequence stratigraphic units
22-25 New age constraints for Cu-Au( -Mo) mineralisation and regional alteration in the Olary-Broken Hill region
25-29 Geochemical characteristics of ca 3.0-Ga Cleaverville greenstones and later mafic dykes, west Pilbara: implication for Archaean crustal accretion
29-30 Small-angle neutron scattering: A new technique to detect generated source rocks
31-32 Tectonic provinces of the Lord Howe Rise: 'Law of the Sea' study has implications for frontier hydrocarbons'

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.32 (May 2000)

Pages Title

2-6 The Western Tharsis deposit: A 'high sulphidation' Cu-Au deposit in the Mt Lyell field, of possible Ordovician age
7-12 Exploration strategies for Precambrian layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the East Kimberley
13-15, 26-32 A geological systems approach to understanding the processes involved in land and water salinisation: The Gilmore project area, central-west New South Wales
16-25 Recent publications involving AGSO authors
33,36 Standard database entry of sequence stratigraphic units in AGSO
34-39 Epithermal deposits of the Central Pilbara tectonic zone: Description and exploration significance

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.33 (December 2000)

Pages Title

2-4 Nutrients from sediments: Implications for algal blooms in Myall Lakes
5-9 More sources for gas and oil in Perth Basin: Study highlights potential for multiple petroleum systems
12-14 Minerals laboratory staff develops new ICP- MS preparation method
14-20 Bonaparte Basin: Geochemical characteristics of hydrocarbon families and petroleum systems
21-23 Customised regolith maps incorporate hydrologic modelled attributes for geochemical exploration

AGSO Research Newsletter, no.34 (May 2001)

Pages Title

2-9, 14 Gold mineral systems in the Tanami region: new insights from NTGS-AGSO research
10-14 A minerals systems approach to mapping Australia's endowment
15-19 Sources of organic matter in Wallis Lake
20-24 Publications involving AGSO authors - December 2000 to April 2001
25-28 North Pilbara National Geoscience Mapping Accord project (1995-2000): Scientific highlights
29-33 Metallogenic potential of mafic-ultramatic intrusions in the Arunta Province, Central Australia
33-40 Rapid mapping of soils and salt stores: Using airborne radiometries and digital elevation models