
Page last updated:11 July 2023

The BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics was started in March 1976 to ensure rapid publication of the research results of BMR scientists.  In time its scope was extended to accept papers from external authors as well, all contributions being peer reviewed.  With the BMR's change of name to the Australian Geological Survey Organisation in 1993, it became the AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics.  After 24 years, 17 volumes and a change of policy favouring external publication of the agency's research findings, it was incorporated into the Australian Journal of Earth Sciences.

Vol.1 |Vol.2 |Vol.3 |Vol.4 |Vol.5 |Vol.6 |Vol.7 |Vol.8 |Vol.9 |Vol.10 |Vol.11 |Vol.12 |Vol.13 |Vol.14 |Vol.15 |Vol.16 |Vol.17

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.1, no.1 (March 1976)

Pages Title

1-13 Geochronology and related aspects of acid volcanics, associated granites, and other Proterozoic rocks in The Granites-Tanami region, northwestern Australia
15-21 Earthquake Risk in Australia
23-32 The Transient Electromagnetic Method in Australia
33-50 The Cretaceous of the Eromanga and Surat Basins
51-55 Significance of Middle Cambrian Trilobites from Elcho Island, Northern Territory
57-61 Automated Density Profiling over elongate topographic features
63-76 Hierarchical classification and vector ordination in the distinction of limestones in the Fairfield Group Canning Basin, Western Australia
77-78 The Veevers Crater: a possible meteoritic feature
78-79 The occurrence of Thylacinus in Tertiary Rocks from Papua New Guinea
79-81 Reinterpretation of Isotopic Ages from The Halls Creek Mobile Zone, Northwestern Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.1, no.2 (June 1976)

Pages Title

83-104 The geochemistry of Lake Frome, a playa lake in South Australia
105-108 Gravity evidence for a major crustal fracture in eastern Australia
109-114 Early Tertiary pollen from Napperby, central Australia
115-129 Tectonic evolution and crustal setting of the middle Proterozoic Leichhardt River fault trough, Mount Isa region, northwestern Queensland
131-140 The Karumba Basin, northeastern Australia and southern New Guinea
141-151 Some aspects of Carboniferous biostratigraphy in eastern Australia: a review
153-170 Stream-sediment geochemistry as an exploration technique in the Westmoreland area, northern Australia
171-174 The Bullara Limestone, a new rock- stratigraphic unit from the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.1, no.3 (September 1976)

Pages Title

175-192 Environmental geology for urban development - Tuggeranong, Australian Capital Territory
193-203 Numerical techniques applied to the geochemistry of some estuarine sediments from Broad Sound, Queensland
205-209 Mesozoic outcrops on the lower continental slope off Exmouth, Western Australia
211-218 The nature and origin of beach ridges, western Cape York Peninsula, Queensland
219-230 The Late Triassic molluscs, conodonts, and brachiopods of the Kuta Formation, Papua New Guinea
231-240 The evolution of One Tree Reef, Southern Great Barrier Reef, Queensland
241-246 Resistivity methods in the search for groundwater, Cape York Peninsula, Queensland
246-247 Scuba-operated coring device
247-248 The Registry of Stratigraphic Names
248-250 Tentative correlation of onshore and lacustrine stratigraphy, Lake Frome area
251-259 Fifth BMR Symposium [Abstracts]

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.1, no.4 (December 1976)

Pages Title

iii Editorial [on the 25th International Geological Congress]
261-271 Gravimetry in Australia, 1819-1976
273-276 Compilation and production of the 1976 1:5 000 000 Gravity Map of Australia
277-286 Relation of Bouguer anomalies to crustal structure in southwestern and central Australia
287-290 The gravity field of the Australian basement
291-296 Variation of crustal mass over the Australian region
297-302 Regional variation of gravity, and isostatic equilibrium if the Australian crust
303-314 The gravity field of offshore Australia
304a Free-air anomaly and gravity maps of Australia - in colour, 1:25,000,000
315-319 A selected bibliography on Australian gravity
321-333 The Cahill Formation - host to uranium deposits in the Alligator Rivers Uranium Field, Australia
335-343 The freshwater lens on Home Island in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands
345-349 A sandstone breccia, formed by quasi- liquid deformation, from the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory
350-352 Gravity provinces and their nomenclature

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.2, no.1 (March 1977)

Pages Title

1-5 Implications of Australian seismic and gravity measurements for the structure and composition of the upper mantle
7-19 Skylab photography for geological mapping
21-34 The mineral potential of the Arunta Block, central Australia
35-42 Quasicyclammina gen. nov. and Thalmannammina (Foraminiferida) from the Paleocene of Papua New Guinea
43-51 The 1974 wet-season flooding of the southern Carpentaria Plains, northwest Queensland
53-57 The discovery of Miocene vertebrates, Lake Frome area, South Australia
59-62 Investigation of hot gas emissions from Koranga volcano, Papua New Guinea, in 1967
62-66 Magnesite-bearing calcrete near Gosses Bluff, Northern Territory
66-69 Preliminary studies of the Cape Leeuwin manganese nodule deposit off Western Australia
69-72 Reef growth, southern Great Barrier Reef - preliminary results
73-76 Environmental and urban geology in Australia: workshop meeting of government engineering geologists, November, 1976
77 Book review: History and Role of Government Geological Surveys in Australia. Edited by R.K. Johns
77-78 Book review: Stromatolites. Edited by Walter, M.R.
78-79 Book review: Volcanism in Australasia. Edited by Johnson, R.W.

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.2, no.2 (June 1977)

Pages Title

81-88 The late Cainozoic sequence of southeast South Australia and Pleistocene sea-level changes
89-95 Absolute electromagnetic scale modelling and its use in interpretation of TEM response
97-110 Environment of deposition of the Carlo Sandstone, Georgina Basin, Queensland and Northern Territory
111-122 A Rb-Sr geochronological study in the Proterozoic Tennant Creek Block, central Australia
123-130 Metasomatic history and origin of uranium mineralization at Mary Kathleen, northwest Queensland
131-136 The Lander Trough, southern Wiso Basin, Northern Territory
137-147 Uranium mineralization associated with late Palaeozoic acid magmatism in northeast Queensland
149-154 Geophysical response of heavy-mineral sand deposits at Jerusalem Creek, New South Wales

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.2, no.3 (September 1977)

Pages Title

155-163 Field tests of a new electromagnetic depth- sounding technique
165-176 Geochemistry of the Cullen Granite, Northern Territory
177-208 Carboniferous and Permian palynostratigraphy in Australia and Antarctica: a review
209-216 Seismic travel-times to east Papua from USSR nuclear explosions
217-228 Conodont apparatuses in an Upper Devonian palaeoniscoid fish from the Canning Basin, Western Australia
229-232 Evidence on the radius of the Precambrian Earth
232-233 Chemistry of manganese nodules from the Cape Leeuwin field off Western Australia
234-239 Sixth BMR Symposium

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.2, no.4 (December 1977)

Pages Title

241-251 The geology and magnetic characteristics of precious opal deposits, southwest Queenslands
253-269 What maps are needed now?
271-288 Geothermal constraints on the hydrocarbon potential of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
289-303 The continent/island-arc collision in northern Papua New Guinea
305-310 Effects of a major earthquake near Bougainville, 20 July 1975
311-314 A recently discovered unconformity near the base of the Proterozoic Cloncurry Complex south of Mount Isa, northwestern Queensland
314-317 Aeolianites in the Jurassic Jurgurra Sandstone, Canning Basin, Western Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.3, no.1 (March 1978)

Pages Title

1-17 Proterozoic microfossils from the Roper Group, Northern Territory, Australia
19-24 The Stratigraphic and Tectonic development of the Manokwari Area, Irian Jaya
25-33 Triassic environments in the Canning Basin, Western Australia
35-42 The Proterozoic and Palaeozoic rocks of The Granites-Tanami region, Western Australia and Northern Territory, and interregional correlations
43-53 Lithological correlations of Adelaidean glaciogenic rocks in parts of the Amadeus, Ngalia, and Georgina Basins
55-69 Hot-spot volcanism in St Andrew Strait, Papua New Guinea: geochemistry of a Quaternary bimodal rock suite
71-76 Clay modelling of the Fitzroy Graben
76-79 Delny-Mount Sainthill Fault System, eastern Arunta Block, Central Australia
80-83 Buried reef structures in the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.3, no.2 (June 1978)

Pages Title

85-92 Skeletal carbonate variation on the continental shelf of eastern Australia
93-100 Mathematical modelling of experimental systems simulating metal chelating in reducing sedimentary environments
101-112 The late Cainozoic evolution of the Carpentaria Plains, North Queensland
113-124 The sediments of the Argo Abyssal Plain and adjacent areas, northeast Indian Ocean
125-133 The Oenpelli Dolerite - a Precambrian continental tholeiitic suite from the Northern Territory, Australia
135-151 Nannofossil and planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy around the Oligocene-Miocene boundary in parts of the Indo- Pacific region
153-162 Gravity evidence for abrupt changes in mean crustal density at the junction of Australian crustal blocks
163-165 Stratigraphic significance of a discovery of Lower Proterozoic tuff in the Pine Creek Geosyncline
166-169 A system for the simulation of sedimentary environments
170-172 New microform publications

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.3, no.3 (September 1978)

Pages Title

173-180 Ages of granites and associated mineralisation in the Herberton tinfield of northeast Queensland
181-191 LANDSAT: developing techniques and applications in mineral and petroleum exploration
193-201 A seismic investigation of the eastern margin of the Galilee Basin, Queensland
203-209 Crustal structure of the central Bowen Basin, Queensland
211-226 A new nannofossil zone based on the Santonian Gingin Chalk, Perth Basin, Western Australia
227-232 The age of the Mud Tank Carbonatite, Strangways Range, Northern Territory
233-239 Stable isotope and chemical studies of volcanic exhalations and thermal waters, Rabaul caldera, New Britain, Papua New Guinea
241-248 Early geophysical practice ¿ the BMR instrument collection
248-253 Storage and retrieval systems for the Reference Minerals Collection and the Georgina Basin Project
253-256 Can rank-size `laws¿ be used for undiscovered petroleum and mineral assessments?
257-263 Seventh BMR Symposium

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.3, no.4 (December 1978)

Pages Title

265-280 Contributions to the regional geology of the Broken Hill area from geophysical data
281-295 Andesites of Bagana volcano, Papua New Guinea: chemical stratigraphy, and a reference andesite composition
297-310 Geochemistry of LIL-element enriched tholeiites from the Marum ophiolite complex, northern Papua New Guinea
311-317 Involvement of government organisations in geochemical surveys in Australia
319-340 Geoscientific investigations from the Scott Plateau off northwest Australia to the Java Trench
341-345 The near-surface sediments of the Scott plateau and Java Trench: nannofossil assessment and implications
345-349 Deep-water Quaternary Foraminifera from short cores taken between Australia and southeast Indonesia
349-351 A polygenetic manganese nodule from the Scott Plateau off northwest Australia
351-355 Clavohamulus primitus ¿ A key North American conodont found in the Georgina Basin
356 Early Australian gravity observations

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.4, no.1 (March 1979)

Pages Title

1-13 Regional variations in Australian heat flow
15-24 Evidence of an exhalative origin for deposits of the Cobar district, New South Wales
25-32 Water levels, balance, and chemistry of Lake George, New South Wales
33-46 The stratigraphic sequence of old land surfaces in northern Queensland
47-55 Magnetostratigraphic tests of lithostratigraphic correlations between latest Proterozoic sequences in the Ngalia, Georgina and Amadeus Basins, central Australia
57-65 Mode of emplacement of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt
67-71 Evidence of evaporite minerals in the Archaean Black Flag Beds, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
72-76 Zircons in the granitic rocks of southeastern South Australia
77-78 The late Cainozoic evolution of the Carpentaria Plains, North Queensland: a discussion
79-81 The late Cainozoic evolution of the Carpentaria Plains, North Queensland: reply

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.4, no.2 (June 1979)

Pages Title

83-97 Heavy minerals in the late Cainozoic sediments of southeastern South Australia and western Victoria
99-109 Drowned dolines ¿ the blue holes of the Pompey Reefs, Great Barrier Reef
111-124 Mineralogy and chemistry of weathered and parent sedimentary rocks in southwest Queensland
125-133 Source rocks and hydrocarbon potential of the Palaeozoic in the onshore Canning Basin, Western Australia
135-140 The effects in Western Australia of a major earthquake in Indonesia on 19 August 1977
141-147 Seismic refraction ¿ a tool for studying coral reef growth
149-162 A sabkha model for the deposition of part of the Proterozoic McArthur Group of the Northern Territory, and its implications for mineralisation
163-165 Stream-sediment sampling near two porphyry copper prospects, Georgetown area, Queensland
166-168 New microform publications

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.4, no.3 (September 1979)

Pages Title

169-170 Foreword [on XVII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics]
171-180 A crustal profile across the Archaean Pilbara and northern Yilgarn cratons, northwest Australia
181-207 Geotectonics and volcanism in Papua New Guinea: a review of the late Cainozoic
209-226 The upper crustal geology of the Georgina Basin region
227-241 Kimberlite and kimberlitic intrusives of southeastern Australia: a review
243-252 Explosion seismic profiles, and implications for crustal evolution, in southeastern Australia
253-279 Siderophile and lithophile trace-element evolution of the Archaean mantle
281-288 The development of the continental shelf of northern New South Wales
289-295 Stresses in the Australian crust: evidence from earthquakes and in-situ stress measurements
297-301 Implications of fault-plane solutions for Australian earthquakes on 4 July 1977, 6 May 1978 and 25 November 1978

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.4, no.4 (December 1979)

Pages Title

303-307 Climatic corrections to Australian heat- flow data
309-321 Crustal structure of north Queensland from gravity anomalies
323-339 Gravity investigations of the Gosses Bluff impact structure, central Australia
341-351 The crustal structure of the Gulf of Papua and northwest Coral Sea
353-359 A geophysical profile across Australia at 29°S
361-371 Australian magnetic observatories
373-382 On the isostatic compensation of Australia topography
383-393 Absolute determinations of gravity in Australia and Papua New Guinea during 1979
395-398 Epoxy relief sediment-peel and latex- replication techniques used in the study of Spencer Gulf sediments
398-402 A low-cost multi-channel pH-Eh specific ion monitoring system

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.5, no.1 (March 1980)

Pages Title

1-7 Calibration of gravity meters with a quartz-mechanism
9-38 The Great Artesian Basin, Australia
39-45 Application of the GABHYD groundwater model of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia
47-55 Structure, hydrodynamics and hydrocarbon potential, central Eromanga Basin, Queensland, Australia
57-61 Rusophycus (Early Ordovician ichnofossil) from the Mithaka Formation, Georgina Basin
63-67 Earthquake accelerograms and attenuation of seismic waves at Oolong, New South Wales
67-68 Manganese nodules from the Tasman Sea off Sydney
68-69 New microform publications
70-72 Evidence of an exhalative origin for deposits of the Cobar district, New South Wales: a discussion
72-73 Evidence of an exhalative origin for deposits of the Cobar district, New South Wales: reply
74-75 Mode of emplacement of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt: a discussion
75-76 Mode of emplacement of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt: reply

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.5, no.2 (June 1980)

Pages Title

77-85 TEM model studies of the Elura deposit, Cobar, New South Wales
87-93 Shallow structure and Late Cainozoic geological history of western Bass Strait and the west Tasmanian Shelf
95-111 Permo-Carboniferous palynology of Gondwanaland: progress and problems in the decade to 1980
113-140 Geology of the Exmouth and Wallaby Plateaus off northwest Australia: sampling of seismic sequences
141-149 Tertiary Foraminiferida and stratigraphy, northern Exmouth Plateau, Western Australia
150-153 Middle Ordovician conodonts from the Pittman Formation, Canberra, ACT
153-156 The 1961 Robertson earthquake ¿ more evidence for compressive stress in southeast Australia
156-158 An inexpensive and efficient double-tube, hand-coring device
159-160 Palaeontological evidence for the Early Cambrian age of the Bukalara Sandstone, McArthur Basin, NT
160-163 A potential dolostone reservoir in the Georgina Basin: the Lower Ordovician Kelly Creek Formation

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.5, no.3 (September 1980)

Pages Title

165-181 Archaeocyatha of the Amadeus and Georgina Basins
183-200 Epeiric carbonate sedimentation of the Ninmaroo Formation (Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician), Georgina Basin
201-214 The Toomba Fault and the western margin of the Toko Syncline, Georgina Basin, Queensland and Northern Territory
215-223 The Quilalar and Surprise Creek Formations ¿ new Proterozoic units from the Mount Isa Inlier: their regional sedimentology and application to regional correlation
225-236 Lord Howe Rise, Tasman Sea ¿ preliminary geophysical results and petroleum prospects
237-242 Ninth BMR Symposium

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.5, no.4 (December 1980)

Pages Title

243-256 The early geological history of the Proterozoic Mount Isa Inlier, northwestern Queensland: an alternative interpretation
257-263 Some aspects of interstitial water movements in simulated sedimentary systems
265-270 Rb-Sr geochronology of the Jervois Range area in the eastern part of the Arunta Block, NT
271-278 Hydrogeology of a raised coral atoll ¿ Niue Island, South Pacific Ocean
279-288 Geochemistry of Precambrian metapelites from East Antarctica: secular and metamorphic variations
289-300 A regional review of the geological sources of magnetic and gravity anomaly fields in the Lachlan Fold Belt of NSW
301-304 Precambrian hydrocarbons in the McArthur Basin, NT
305-309 Intracrustal seismic reflections from the Lachlan Fold Belt near Canberra
311-313 BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, Author index, Volumes 1-5
315-317 BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, Volume 5, 1980, Contents

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.6, no.1 (March 1981)

Pages Title

1-29 Regional plate tectonics and the evolution of Australia¿s passive continental margins
31-41 Geological factors in the development of sanitary landfill sites in the Australian Capital Territory
43-50 Sedimentological studies of Cainozoic sediments from the Exmouth and Wallaby Plateaus, off northwest Australia
51-69 Early Devonian thelodonts (Agnatha) from the Toko Syncline, western Queensland, and a review of other Australian discoveries
71-79 Discrimination of surficial and bedrock magnetic sources in the Cobar area, NSW
81-93 The Babbagoola Beds, Officer Basin, Western Australia: correlations, micropalaeontology and implications for petroleum prospectivity
95-99 Intrusive felsic-mafic net-veined complexes in north Queensland
101-105 Shallow inter-reefal structure of the Capricorn group, southern Great Barrier Reef
106-108 Evidence for former evaporites in the Carboniferous Moogooree Limestone, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
108-116 Nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Hantkenina (foraminiferid) interval in the upper Eocene of southern Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.6, no.2 (June 1981)

Pages Title

117-122 A model for sulphide band formation under epigenetic conditions ¿ a study based on simulated sedimentary systems
123-135 Crustal structure of the Precambrian terrains of northwest Australia from seismic refraction data
137-143 Isostasy and structure of the lower crust and upper mantle in the Precambrian terrains of northwest Australia, from regional gravity studies
145-151 Australasian mid-Tertiary larger foraminiferal associations and their bearing on the East Indian Letter Classification
153-159 Sedimentary cycles in the Surat Basin and global changes of sea level
161-179 The influence of geology on the location, design and construction of water supply dams in the Canberra area
181-185 The determination of suspended-sediment loads in the southern Great Barrier Reef: field techniques
187-195 Suspended-sediment transport and water movement at One Tree Reef, southern Great Barrier Reef
197-198 New microform publications

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.6, no.3 (September 1981)

Pages Title

199-211 Petroleum potential of the Bass Basin
213-222 Results of a seismic survey in the southern Denison Trough, Queensland, 1978-79
223-243 Crustal reactions resulting from the mid- Pliocene to Recent continent-island arc collision in the Timor region
245-252 Reconnaissance of upper crustal seismic velocities in the Tennant Creek Block, Northern Territory
253-257 Age of the Warramunga Group, Tennant Creek Block, Northern Territory
259-264 Submarine valleys on the Ceduna Terrace off South Australia
265-267 Conodont colour alteration adjacent to a volcanic plug, Canning Basin, Western Australia
267-271 The early geological history of the Proterozoic Mount Isa Inlier, northwestern Queensland: an alternative interpretation: Discussion
272-274 The early geological history of the Proterozoic Mount Isa Inlier, northwestern Queensland: an alternative interpretation: Reply to discussion
275-280 Tenth BMR Symposium

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.6, no.4 (December 1981)

Pages Title

i Preface [on Symposium on Sulphide Mineralisation in Sediments]
279-285 Origins of sulphide in sediments
287-291 Organic matter in ancient ores and sediments
293-300 Water depth ¿ a critical factor for exhalative ore deposits
301-306 Diagenetic organic matter in Recent sediments and environments of deposition
307-317 Geobiological role of cyanobacterial mats in sedimentary environments: production and preservation of organic matter
319-325 Interactions between saline redbed groundwaters and peritidal carbonates, Spencer Gulf, South Australia: significance for models of stratiform copper ore genesis
327-337 Summaries of other papers presented
339-341 BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, Volume 6, 1981: Contents

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.7, no.1 (March 1982)

Pages Title

1-10 Geochemical evaluation of the Petroleum Potential of the Toko Syncline, Georgina Basin, Queensland, Australia
11-21 An appraisal of Australian heat-flow data
23-33 Source rock potential and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Darling Basin, NSW
35-45 Relative fall of Holocene sea level and coastal progradation, northeastern Spencer Gulf, South Australia
47-54 Elevation and gravity profiles across Australia: some implications for tectonism
55-62 Spectral representation of isostatic models
63-67 Computer manipulation of a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of Australia
68-72 Analysis of continental structures using a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of Australia
73-77 On Australina Clarke ¿ and its junior synonyms Lissatrypa, Lissatrypoidea, and Tyrothyris (Silurian-Devonian Brachiopoda)
78-79 The stratigraphic implications of Monograptus exiguous from Camp Hill, Canberra, ACT

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.7, no.2 (June 1982)

Pages Title

81-92 A Proterozoic rift zone at Mount Isa, Queensland, and implications for mineralisation
93-98 Eastern Creek volcanics as the source of Copper at the Mammoth Mine, northwest Queensland
99-112 Distribution and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks in the Duchess-Urandangi Region, Queensland
113-118 A review of the Corella Formation, Mount Isa Inlier, Queensland
119-124 The role of pre-existing sulphides in copper-ore formation at Mount Isa, Queensland
125-134 Geological evolution, tectonic style, & economic potential of the lawn hill platform cover, northwest Queensland
135-140 Proterozoic intrusive breccia bodies near Duchess, northwestern Queensland
141-148 Abstracts ¿ 11th BMR Symposium, Canberra, 4-5 May, 1982

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.7, no.3 (September 1982)

Pages Title

149-157 A latest Devonian palynoflora from the Buttons Beds, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Western Australia
159-179 Evaluation of Gossans in Relation to Lead- Zinc Mineralisation in the Mount Isa Inlier, Queensland
181-196 Regional metamorphism in the Selwyn Range area, northwest Queensland
197-211 Multielement composition of the conodont Icriodus expansus Branson & Mehl from the Upper Devonian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
213-218 Extent of Archaean and Late Proterozoic Rocks under the ice cap of Princess Elizabeth Land, Antarctica, inferred from Geophysics
219-223 The Appin (New South Wales) earthquake of 15 November 1981
225-226 Impregnation of unconsolidated sediment samples, using a large vacuum chamber
227-229 New microform publications (September 1982)

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.7, no.4 (December 1982)

Pages Title

231-254 Late diagenetic history of the Ninmaroo Formation (Cambro-Ordovician), Georgina Basin, Queensland and Northern Territory
255-268 Palynology of Tertiary Lake Bunyan, Cooma, New South Wales
269-273 Metasomatic zoning in sapphirine-bearing granulites from Antarctica
275-286 Magnetotelluric profiles in the McArthur Basin of Northern Australia
287-302 Middle Miocene Kangaroos (Macropodoidea: Marsupialia) from three localities in Northern Australia, with a description of two new subfamilies
303-314 Combined seismic-gravity interpretation over the Donnybrook Anticline, central Queensland
315-320 Redescription of Miogypsina neodispansa (Jones & Chapman), foraminiferida, Christmas Island, Indian Ocean
321-325 Planorbulinella solida sp.nov. (foraminiferida) from the Miocene of Papua New Guinea
327-329 BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, Volume 7, 1982: Contents

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.8, no.1 (March 1983)

Pages Title

1-17 Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy: an assessment of foraminiferal and sedimentation events in the Eocene of the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia
19-34 Crustal structure of the southern McArthur Basin, Northern Australia, from deep seismic sounding
35-51 Detailed seismic velocity/depth models of the Upper lithosphere of the Pilbara Craton, Northwest Australia
53-69 The Proterozoic Kalkadoon and Ewen Batholiths, Mount Isa Inlier, Queensland: source, chemistry, age, and metamorphism
71-81 A new antiarchan fish (Placodermi) from the Late Devonian of southeastern Australia
83-87 Desert varnish coatings and microcolonial fungi on rocks of the Gibson and Great Victoria deserts, Australia
89-91 An instrument for simultaneous measurement of Eh and pH in boreholes
93-96 Occurrences of boron-bearing kornerupine in the western Harts Range and near Mount Baldwin, Arunta Block, central Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.8, no.2 (June 1983)

Pages Title

99-108 Contrasting marginal sediments of a seasonally flooded saline lake - Lake Eliza, South Australia: significance for oil shale genesis
109-117 Geochemical discrimination of acid volcanic units in the Mount Isa region, Queensland
119-128 Archaean and Proterozoic geological relationships in the Vestfold Hills-Prydz Bay area, Antarctica
129-137 Rb-Sr geochronology of Proterozoic events in the Arunta Inlier, Central Australia
139-145 Prograde and retrograde sapphirine in metamorphic rocks of the central Arunta Block, central Australia
147-156 The seismic zone of the Papuan Fold Belt
157-159 The Poodyea Formation: a possible tertiary fluvial unit in the Toko Syncline, Georgina Basin, Queensland & Northern Territory
161-163 Discussion: A review of the Corella Formation, Mount Isa Inlier, Queensland
163-165 Discussion: A Proterozoic rift zone at Mount Isa, Queensland, and implications for mineralisation

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.8, no.3 (September 1983)

Pages Title

179-190 Terrigenous sedimentation in the central Great Barrier Reef lagoon: a model from the Burdekin Region.
191-200 Chemical and isotopic characterisation and sedimentation rates in Princess Charlotte Bay, Queensland
201-209 High-energy reef and terrigenous sedimentation, Boulder Reef, Great Barrier Reef
211-221 Some aspects of lagoon sedimentation and circulation at One Tree Reef, Southern Great Barrier Reef
223-235 Holocene Palaeo-Environmental changes, central to north Great Barrier Reef inner zone
237-251 Growth fabrics and growth rates of Holocene reefs in the Great Barrier Reef
253-265 Lithology and diagenesis of the carbonate foundations of modern reefs in the southern Great Barrier Reef
267-276 Late quaternary regional controls on the development of the Great Barrier Reef: geophysical evidence
277-291 Structure and stratigraphy of the central Great Barrier Reef

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.8, no.4 (December 1983)

Pages Title

293-305 The search for a more realistic metallogenic map format, with reference to the Pine Creek Geosyncline
307-311 Application of entropy-ratio maps to surficial reef facies, Great Barrier Reef
313-322 Pollution of a fractured rock aquifer by petrol - a case study
323-328 Volcanic core of Niue Island, southwest Pacific Ocean
329-337 Geothermal gradients and heat flow in Australian sedimentary basins
339-349 A heavy-mineral survey of the Forsayth area northeast Queensland
351-356 Middle Proterozoic landforms preserved at a disconformity in the Carrara Range Region, Northern Territory
359 A re-assessment of stromatolite evidence for the correlation of the late Proterozoic Neale and Ilma beds, Officer Basin, Western Australia
361-362 Discussion: Spectral representation of isostatic models

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.9, no.1 (March 1984)

Pages Title

1-7 The age of the diamond-bearing pipes and associated leucite lamproites of the West Kimberley region, Western Australia
9-12 Late Proterozoic peralkaline intrusives of the Alligator Rivers region, Northern Territory
13-18 The Mud Tank Carbonatite, Strangways Range, central Australia
19-32 Petrology and geochemistry of Proterozoic dolerites from the Mount Isa Inlier
33-40 A mica, pyroxene, ilmenite megacryst- bearing lamprophyre from Mt Woolooma, northeastern New South Wales
41-47 Stratigraphic correlations in the Tennant Creek region, central Australia: Warramunga Group, Tomkinson Creek beds, Hatches Creek Group, and Rising Sun Conglomerate
49-68 Structure and evolution of the southern Solomon Sea region

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.9, no.2 (June 1984)

Pages Title

69-81 Armin Aleksander Opik (1898-1983)
83-89 Phosphatic organisms and the correlation of Early Cambrian carbonate formations in central Australia
91-106 Late Cambrian trilobites from the Mariner Group, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
107-119 Brachiopods from the Silurian of Fyshwick, Canberra, Australia
121-131 Further Petalichthyid remains (Placoderm fishes, Early Devonian) from the Taemas-Wee Jasper region, New South Wales
133-147 Multielement composition of the conodont species Polygnathus xylus xylus Stauffer, 1940 and Ozarkodina brevis (Bischoff & Ziegler, 1957) from the Upper Devonian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
149-163 Treposellidae (Beyrichiacea: Ostracoda) from the latest Devonian (Strunian) of the Bonaparte Basin, Western Australia
163-169 Late Palaeozoic glaciation
171-181 Calcareous nannofossils from the Toolebuc Formation, Eromanga Basin, Australia
183-189 Late Albian planktonic foraminifera, Strickland River, Papua New Guinea
191-195 Pythonine snakes (Boidae) from the Miocene of Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.9, no.3 (September 1984)

Pages Title

197-206 Basin-forming structures and their relevance to hydrocarbon exploration in Bass Basin, southeastern Australia
207-218 Rare-earth element geochemistry of Archaean orthogneisses and evolution of the East Antarctic shield
219-223 An isotopic study of granitoids in the Litchfield Block, Northern Territory
225-231 Australian gravity base-station network: 1980 survey
233-238 Revised stratigraphic nomenclature and correlation of Early Proterozoic rocks of the Darwin-Katherine region, Northern Territory
239-254 New discoveries of Devonian vertebrates from the Amadeus Basin, central Australia
255-260 The 1982 Wyalong earthquakes (NSW) and recent crustal deformation
261-266 Ordovician nautiloids of central Australia, with a revision of Madiganella Teichert & Glenister

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.9, no.4 (December 1984)

Pages Title

267-295 Palynology of the Oligocene-Miocene sequence in the Oakvale-1 corehole, western Murray Basin, South Australia
297-302 Australian long-wavelength magnetic anomalies
303-312 Granitoids of northeastern Tasmania
313-316 The response and calibration of seismographs at Riverview College Observatory, New South Wales, 1909- 1962
317-328 Eastern Creek Volcanics: their geochemistry and possible role in copper mineralisation at Mount Isa, Queensland
329-338 Relationship of the Maloney Creek Inlier to other elements of the western Lawn Hill Platform Cover, northern Australia
339-351 Geochemistry and tectonic significance of Proterozoic mafic rocks from the Georgetown Inlier, north Queensland
353-359 Cretaceous coccoliths in the middle Eocene of the western and southern margins of Australia: evidence of a significant reworking episode
361-364 Late Triassic conodonts from Sahul Shoals No.1, Ashmore Block, northwestern Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.10, no.1 (March 1986)

Pages Title

1-15 Geological hazards in the southwest Pacific and southeast Asian region: identification, assessment, and impact
17-22 Global sea-level change as a method of correlating the Late Permian coal measures in the Sydney, Gunnedah, and Bowen Basins, eastern Australia
23-37 Lithospheric velocity beneath the Adavale Basin, Queensland, and the character of deep crustal reflections
39-51 Geology and offshore petroleum prospects of the eastern New Ireland Basin, northeastern Papua New Guinea
53-63 Stratigraphy and sedimentology of Late Palaeozoic glaciomarine sediments beneath the Murray Basin, and their palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic significance
65-76 A new late Pleistocene diprotodontid (Marsupialia) from Pureni, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea
77-83 The elusive Cook volcano and other submarine forearc volcanoes in the Solomon Islands
85-87 Migration of deep-water seismic data

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.10, no.2 (March 1987)

Pages Title

89-107 Regional structure and evolution of the Redbank-Mount Zeil thrust zone: a major lineament in the Arunta Inlier, central Australia
109-120 Geology, petrology, and tectonic significance of Permian and Carboniferous igneous rocks of the western Georgetown Inlier, north Queensland
121-131 Coronation Hill U-Au mine, South Alligator Valley, Northern Territory: an epigenetic sandstone-type deposit hosted by debris-flow conglomerate
133-137 Temporal variation in seismicity of the Southwest Seismic Zone, Western Australia: implications for earthquake risk assessment
139-142 The Lithgow earthquake of 13 February 1985: macro seismic effects
143-144 Direction of magnetisation in core samples from drill holes
145-151 Probabilistic earthquake risk maps of southwest Western Australia
153-177 Evan Richard Stanley, 1885-1924: pioneer geologist in Papua New Guinea
179-192 Devonian fish remains from Billiluna, eastern Canning Basin, Western Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.10, no.3 (August 1987)

Pages Title

193-211 Terranes and the accretion history of the New Guinea orogen
213-224 Hydrocarbon generation potential in the Otway Basin, Australia
225-232 Southwest Seismic Zone of Western Australia: measurement of vertical ground movements by repeat levelling and gravity surveys
233-242 A new Devonian fish fauna, and revision of post-Ordovician stratigraphy in the Ross River Syncline, Amadeus Basin, central Australia.
243-251 McArthur Basin, Northern Territory: mapping of deep troughs using gravity and magnetic anomalies
253-259 Surface-wave magnitudes of some early Australian earthquakes
261-265 The musculature and vascular systems of two species of Cambrian Paterinide (Brachiopoda)
267-275 Cainozoic geology and geomorphology of the Wahgi Valley, central highlands of Papua New Guinea
277-286 Eastern Highlands of Australia; their uplift and erosion
287-300 Rhytiobeyrichia, a new beyrichiacean ostracod from the late Devonian of Western Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.10, no.4 (June 1988)

Pages Title

301-308 Hydrology of Lake Amadeus, a groundwater- discharge playa in central Australia
309-321 Aspects of landscape history and regolith in the Kalgoorlie region, Western Australia
323-328 Early Proterozoic migmatitic basement in the Kalkadoon-Leichhardt Belt of the Mount Isa Inlier, northwestern Queensland
329-343 Planktonic foraminifera, age of sediments and polarity reversals, New Britain, Papua New Guinea
345-355 The South Australian seismic network
357-362 Major geomorphic features of the Kosciusko- Bega region
363-376 New occurrences of phyllolepid placoderms from the Devonian of central Australia
377-389 A pygmy cassowary (Casuarius lydekkeri) from late Pleistocene bog deposits at Pureni, Papua New Guinea
391-393 Acid mine drainage at Captains Flat, New South Wales

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.11, no.1 (September 1989)

Pages Title

1-9 A century of earthquakes in the Dalton- Gunning region of New South Wales
11-36 Australia's petroleum potential in areas beyond an Exclusive Economic Zone
37-62 Planktonic foraminifera and age of sediments, west Tasmanian margin, South Tasman Rise and Lord Howe Rise.
63-79 Youngest Permian marine macrofossil fauna from the Bowen and Sydney Basins, eastern Australia
81-87 Probabilistic earthquake risk maps of Tasmania
89-99 Macroseismic effects, locations and magnitudes of some early Tasmanian earthquakes
101-105 A teleseismic travel time residual map of the Australian continent
107-118 Upper Cambrian (Mindyallan) trilobites and stratigraphy of the Kayrunnera Group, western New South Wales
119-121 Discussion: The elusive Cook volcano and other submarine forearc volcanoes in the Solomon Islands
123-125 Discussion: Major geomorphic features of the Kosciusko-Bega region

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.11, no.2-3 (1989)

Pages Title

127-146 Structural and stratigraphic framework of groundwater occurrence and surface discharge in the Murray Basin, southeastern Australia
147-166 The hydrogeology of the Murray Basin, southeastern Australia
167-185 Saline water disposal options in the Murray Basin
187-194 Irrigation recharge
195-203 Saline seepage and land degradation - a New South Wales perspective
205-208 The effect of land clearance in the Mallee region on River Murray salinity and land salinisation
209-218 Is broadscale revegetation economic and practical as a groundwater and salinity management tool in the Murray- Darling Basin?
219-225 Aspects of stratigraphy and structure in relation to the Woolpunda Groundwater Interception Scheme, Murray Basin, South Australia
227-232 Groundwater-riverwater density contrast: its effect on the pattern of groundwater discharge to the River Murray
233-252 Environmental consequences of saline groundwater intrusion into the Wimmera River, Victoria
253-259 The Tatiara proclaimed region, southeastern South Australia: hydrogeological investigations and groundwater management
261-272 Chlorine-36 measurements in the Murray Basin: preliminary results from the Victorian and South Australian Mallee region
273-284 A practical account of instabilities in identification problems in groundwater systems
285-289 Origins of groundwater salinity near Tresco, northwest Victoria
291-299 Vegetation and climate of the late Cainozoic in the Murray Basin and their bearing on the salinity problem
301-331 Palynostratigraphy of the central west Murray Basin
333-353 The Ivanhoe Block-its structure, hydrogeology and effect on groundwaters of the Riverine Plain of New South Wales.
355-361 Geologically induced salinity at Yelarbon, Border Rivers area, New South Wales, Queensland
363-366 Application of Landsat Thematic Mapping to geology and salinity in the Murray Basin
367-385 Stratigraphy and sedimentology of mid- Tertiary permeability barriers in the subsurface of the Murray Basin, southeastern Australia
387-395 The ancient Murray River system

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.11, no.4 (September 1990)

Pages Title

397-414 A new lithostratigraphic framework for the Early Jurassic units in the Bundamba Group, Clarence-Moreton Basin, Queensland and New South Wales.
415-420 The earthquake near Nhill, western Victoria, on 22 December 1987 and the seismicity of eastern Australia
421-427 Thick ferromanganese deposits from the Dampier Ridge and the Lord Howe Rise off eastern Australia
429-447 A belemnite biozonation for the Jurassic- Cretaceous of Papua New Guinea and a faunal comparison with eastern Indonesia
449-472 Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks dredged from the northern Exmouth Plateau: petrography and microfacies
473-497 The Maastrichtian and early Tertiary record of the Great Australian Bight Basin and its onshore equivalents on the Australian southern margin: a nannofossil study
499-507 Pattern of slow seafloor spreading (<4 mm/year) from breakup (96 Ma) to A20 (44.5 Ma) off the southern margin of Australia
509-519 Significance of pseudotachylite vein systems, Giles basic/uItrabasic complex, Tomkinson Ranges, western Musgrave Block, central Australia
521-528 Forearc basin dynamics and sedimentation controls, Tamworth belt, eastern Australia
529-558 The genus Cordylodus and a latest Cambrian- earliest Ordovician conodont biostratigraphy
559-567 The Newcastle, New South Wales, earthquake of 28 December 1989

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.12, no.1 (February 1991)

Pages Title

1-4 Hypocentre locations from a microearthquake survey, Cadoux, Western Australia, 1983
5-12 Observations on the geological origin of the 'C' horizon seismic reflection, Eromanga Basin
13-24 Inverted transtensional basin setting for gold and copper and base metal deposits at Cobar, New South Wales
25-33 NOAA satellite data in natural oil slick detection, Otway Basin, southern Australia
35-50 The Gilmore Fault Zone - the deformational history of a possible terrane boundary within the Lachlan Fold Belt, New South Wales
51-64 Hydrochemistry of a groundwater-seawater mixing zone, Nauru Island, central Pacific Ocean
65-91 Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy of the Fremantle Canyon, South Perth Basin - a nannofossil assessment
93-118 Revised Late Cambrian (pre-Payntonian- Datsonian) conodont biostratigraphy at Black Mountain, Georgina Basin, western Queensland, Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.12, no.2 (June 1991)

Pages Title

119-144 Application of sequence stratigraphic concepts to Middle Cambrian phosphogenesis, Georgina Basin, Australia
145-157 Sequence analysis and depositional models of crinoidal limestones, Permian Yessabah Limestone, Manning-Macleay Basin, eastern Australia
161-190 Groundwater and surface water interaction at Lake George, New South Wales
191-193 Indian Ocean earthquake felt in Australia 19 November 1906

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.12, no.3 (September 1991)

Pages Title

195-221 Pleistocene to Holocene planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Coral Sea, offshore Queensland, Australia.
223-244 Differentiation of Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician species of Cordylodus (Conodonta) with biapical basal cavities
245-262 Ammonites of the Cretaceous Ieru Formation, western Papua New Guinea
263-263 Earthquake fatalities in Australia
265-278 Abstracts: Arid zone water conference, 11- 14 April 1991, Alice Springs

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.12, no.4 (December 1991)

Pages Title

279-286 Silurian and Late Carboniferous conodonts from the Charles Louis Range and central Birds Head, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
287-296 Early Permian Brachiopoda from Irian Jaya
297-299 A record of the genus Lockhartia (Foraminiferida) from Misool Archipelago, Irian Jaya
301-325 Belemnite successions and faunal provinces in the southwest Pacific, and the belemnites of Gondwana
327-337 Structure and hydrocarbon potential of the Bremer Basin, southwest Australia
339-343 Three large intraplate earthquakes near Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, on 22 January 1988

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.13, no.1 (April 1992)

Pages Title

1-13 The Polda Basin - a seismic interpretation of a Proterozoic-Mesozoic rift in the Great Australian Bight
15-18 Fossil shark teeth dredged from the Great Australian Bight
19-29 Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene nannofossil biostratigraphy of Challenger No. 1 well (Challenger Formation type section), offshore Perth Basin, Western Australia
31-35 New K-Ar constraints on the onset of subsidence in the Canning Basin, Western Australia
37-57 A reconnaissance investigation of the major Palaeozoic aquifers in the Canning Basin, Western Australia, in relation to Zn-Pb mineralisation
61-66 Hydrogeological modelling for an arid-zone borefield in Amadeus Basin aquifers, Alice Springs, Northern Territory
67-74 Water resources development in the Northern Territory's arid zone
75-82 Progress in the development of a water- care ethic for the Pilbara region of Western Australia
83-85 Problem constituents in Australian groundwater drinking-water supplies

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.13, no.2 (July 1992)

Pages Title

87-92 Glacially grooved surfaces in the Grant Group, Grant Range, Canning Basin and the extent of Late Palaeozoic Pilbara ice sheets
93-105 Salinity of deep formation water in the Canning Basin, Western Australia
107-111 The Regional Seismographic Network and seismicity of central Queensland
113-129 Stratigraphy and palynology of Mesozoic sediments from the Great Australian Bight area, southern Australia
131-142 Eocene and Oligocene calcareous nannofossils from the Great Australian Bight: evidence of significant reworking episodes and surface-water temperature changes
143-185 Late Carboniferous and Early Permian palynostratigraphy of the Joe Joe Group, southern Galilee Basin, Queensland, and implications for Gondwanan stratigraphy
187-188 Note: More on earthquake fatalities in Australia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.13, no.3 (November 1992)

Pages Title

191-200 Emplacement ages of granitic rocks in the Coen Inlier (Cape York): implications for local geological evolution and regional correlation
201-205 A new local magnitude scale for southeastern Australia
207-212 Ferricrete in Cape York Peninsula, North Queensland
213-228 Analysis of conodont apparatus organisation and the genus lumudontus (Conodonta), a coniform-pectiniform apparatus structure from the Early Ordovician
229-236 First record of Callovian ammonites from West Kalimantan (Middle Jurassic, Kalimantan Barat, Borneo, Indonesia)
237-250 Aspects of the structural histories of the tertiary sedimentary basins of East, Central and West Kalimantan and their margins
251-273 History of geoscientific investigations in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.13, no.4 (February 1993)

Pages Title

275-279 Depth phases from local earthquakes
281-292 Quaternary and modern environments of the Van Diemen Rise, Timor Sea, and potential effects of additional petroleum exploration activity
293-322 Conodonts from the Lower Ordovician Coolibah Formation, Georgina Basin, central Australia
323-331 A test of a global seismic system for monitoring earthquakes and underground nuclear explosions
333-343 Structure of the southern New South Wales continental margin, south-eastern Australia
345-358 The Iverian, a proposed Late Cambrian Stage, and its subdivision in the Burke River Structural Belt, western Queensland
359-368 Seismic structure and continuity of the Redbank Thrust Zone, central Australia
369-372 The West Tasman Sea (Flinders Island) earthquake of 14 September 1946

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.14, no.1 (1993)

Pages Title

1-19 Miocene to Pleistocene foraminiferal biostratigraphy of dredge samples from the Marion Plateau, offshore Queensland, Australia
21-34 Architecture of the Queensland Trough: implications for the structure and tectonics of the Northeastern Australia Margin
35-46 Application and extension of the ML earthquake magnitude scale in the Victoria region
47-63 The "Geera Clay equivalent": a regressive marine unit in the Renmark Group that sheds new light on the age of the Mologa weathering surface in the Murray Basin
65-76 Revised stratigraphy of the Ordovician (Late Tremadoc-Arenig) Prices Creek Group and Devonian Poulton Formation, Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia
77-95 A stream-sediment geochemical orientation survey of the Davenport Province, Northern Territory

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.14, no.2-3 (1993)

Pages Title

99-100 Papers from the 'Aquifers at Risk: Towards a National Groundwater Quality Perspective' Conference at Canberra, 13-15 February 1993
101-105 Keynote address: Aquifers at Risk
107-122 Organic chemical contamination of groundwater in Australia - an overview to 1993
123-133 Aquifer vulnerability on small volcanic islands in the southwest Pacific region - an example from Norfolk Island
135-146 Water supply and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health: an overview
147-154 Assessment of the relative vulnerability of groundwater to pollution: a review and background paper for the conference workshop on vulnerability assessment
155-159 Risk assessment as a framework for management of aquifers - a literature review
161-165 The Condamine Valley groundwater monitoring network, southeast Queensland
167-176 Recovering degraded groundwater in the Angas-Bremer basin through community action
177-181 Resourcing the investigation and management of groundwater contamination in Western Australia - a case study of contamination from herbicide manufacture near Perth
183-191 Organochlorine contamination of groundwater by pulp and paper mill effluent in South Australia
193-199 Hydrogeochemical zonation of groundwater in the Botany Sands aquifer, Sydney
201-206 Groundwater resource management and community consultation - Blue Lake, South Australia
207-211 The groundwater quality situation in alluvial aquifers of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
213-217 Management of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers in Queensland, Australia
219-226 Two and three-dimensional simulation of seawater intrusion: performances of the "SUTRA" and "HST3D" models
227-234 Technology selection for remediation of organic pollutants
235-242 Aquifer remediation in Australia - current regulatory guidelines, evaluation of treatment technologies, and future directions (panel discussion)
243-248 Characterising the distribution of dissolved and residual NAPL petroleum hydrocarbons in unconfined aquifers to effect remediation
249-257 Modelling bioremediation of nitrate- contaminated waste and groundwater
259-262 Wastewater irrigation and groundwater quality protection
263-267 Groundwater quality protection at wastewater land-treatment operations - workshop summary
269-271 Status of research on the impact of the Australian rural industries on groundwater quality
273-277 Groundwater nitrate in East Java, Indonesia
279-285 The hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in fractured bedrock aquifers beneath dryland salinity occurrences at Yass, NSW
287-296 Description and prediction of pesticide leaching
297-302 A risk assessment of sulfonylurea herbicides leaching to groundwater
303-306 National Groundwater Protection Guidelines for Australia
307-311 Towards an Australian groundwater quality assessment program
313-318 Abstracts

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.14, no.4 (1993)

Pages Title

319-330 Granite, gabbro, and migmatite field relationships in the Proterozoic Lamboo Complex of the East Kimberley region, Western Australia
331-341 The ages of Proterozoic granites in the Georgetown Inlier of northeastern Australia, and their relevance to the dating of tectonothermal events
343-351 Potential from enhanced oil recovery applications in Australia
353-359 A preliminary overview of groundwater quality in the Northern Territory
361-370 Gradational benthic marine communities in the Early Carboniferous Rhipidomella fortimuscula Zone (late Visean), New South Wales
371-382 Palynostratigraphy of the Bookpurnong Beds and related Late Miocene-Early Pliocene facies in the central west Murray Basin, part 1: dinoflagellates
383-409 Palynostratigraphy of the Bookpurnong Beds and related Late Miocene-Early Pliocene facies in the central west Murray Basin, part 2: spores and pollens
411-433 Cretaceous ammonites from south-central Papua New Guinea

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.15, no.1 (1994)

Pages Title

1 Thematic issue: Geology of the outer North West Shelf, Australia
3-10 An introduction to the geology of the outer margin of Australia's North West Shelf
11-42 Mesozoic sedimentary and volcaniclastic rocks dredged from the northern Exmouth Plateau and Rowley Terrace, offshore northwest Australia
43-54 The petrology, geochemistry and implications of basalts dredged from the Rowley Terrace-Scott Plateau and Exmouth Plateau margins, northwestern Australia
55-70 Structure and tectonic history of the northern Exmouth Plateau and Rowley Terrace: outer North West Shelf
71-88 Significance of calcareous nannofossil- bearing Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments on the Rowley Terrace, offshore northwest Australia
89-100 Palynology of Mesozoic dredge samples from the North West Shelf
101-118 Late Triassic conodont and palynomorph biostratigraphy and conodont thermal maturation, North West Shelf, Australia
119-125 Mesozoic Bivalvia from Clerke and Mermaid Canyons, northwest Australian continental slope
127-133 Upper Triassic spongiomorph and coral association dredged off the northwestern Australian shelf
135-136 Late Triassic brachiopods from a dredge haul on the slope below Rowley Terrace, northwest Australia
137-156 The nature of the Wallaby (Cuvier) Plateau and other igneous provinces of the west Australian margin
157-164 Geologic history of the eastern Argo Abyssal Plain based on ODP drilling and seismic data
165-176 Tectonic and sedimentary history of the Argo Abyssal Plain, eastern Indian Ocean
177-190 Geological history of the outer North West Shelf of Australia: a synthesis

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.15, no.2 (1994)

Pages Title

191-215 Diagenesis of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sandstones of the Eromanga Basin in New South Wales
217-222 Mapping 137Cs at Maralinga nuclear test site, South Australia, using conventional 4-channel airborne gamma-ray spectrometry
223-233 The Great Cumbung Swamp - terminus of the low-gradient Lachlan River, Eastern Australia
235-238 A new structure in pollen assigned to Striatopodocarpites Sedova 1956 and Protohaploxypinus Samoilovich emend. Morbey 1975, from the Late Permian (Tatarian) of the Russian Platform
239-246 First record of Tethyan palynomorphs from the Late Triassic of East Antarctica
247-255 Early Silurian (Llandovery) conodonts from the Barbwire Terrace, Canning Basin, Western Australia

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.15, no.3 (1994)

Pages Title

257-295 A field classification and intensity scale for first-generation cleavages
297-312 Early, methane-rich fluids and their role in Archaean gold mineralisation at the Sand King and Missouri deposits, Eastern Goldfields Province, Western Australia
313-328 Integrated geological and geophysical mapping of southwestern Western Australia
329-333 Fluctuations in seismicity in the Dalton area, NSW, Australia, and their relevance to earthquake forecasting
335-345 Landscape evolution and tectonics in southeastern Australia
347-357 Marine benthic communities in the Early Carboniferous of New South Wales (Visean-Delepinea aspinosa Zone)
359--365 First record of shared species of Late Permian small foraminiferids in Australia and Russia: time correlations and plate reconstructions
367-379 Seximembrate apparatus structure of the Late Cambrian coniform conodont Teridontus nakamurai from the Chatsworth Limestone, Georgina Basin, Queensland
381-394 Physical and petrological characteristics of basaltic eruption sites in the Monaro Volcanic Province, southeastern New South Wales, Australia

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.15, no.4 (March 1995)

Pages Title

395-407 Whole-rock regional oxygen-isotope depletion patterns as a guide to epithermal gold exploration in north Queensland
409-412 Relationship between body wave and local magnitudes for Australian earthquakes
413-420 Devonian-Carboniferous stratigraphy of Quail 1, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia: regional implications for geohistory and hydrocarbon prospectivity
421-444 Cainozoic sedimentary basins in the eastern Arunta Block, Alice Springs region, central Australia
445-468 Oldest Cretaceous sequence, Giralia Anticline, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia: late Hauterivian- Barremian
469-474 Earthquake duration magnitudes in southeast Australia, accounting for site, seismograph and source
475-499 Upper Ordovician conodonts from the Malongulli Formation, Cliefden Caves area, central New South Wales
501-509 Pb-isotope data from base-metal deposits in central Australia: implications for Proterozoic stratigraphic correlations
511-517 Estimation of seismic quality factor Q for Victoria, Australia
519-527 Upper crustal heterogeneities in Australian Precambrian provinces interpreted from deep seismic profiles and the Kola Superdeep Bore Hole
529-537 Geological note: Igneous and sedimentary rocks dredged from the northern Macquarie Ridge, Southern Ocean

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.16, no.1-2 (April 1995)

Pages Title

1-2 The Giles mafic-ultramafic complex and environs, western Musgrave Block, central Australia
3-24 A review of the Grenville orogen in its North American type area
25-39 Grenville-age belts and associated older terranes in Australia and Antarctica
41-67 Geological framework and crustal evolution of the Giles mafic-ultramafic complex and environs, western Musgrave Block, central Australia
69-89 The petrology of layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the Giles Complex, western Musgrave Block, Western Australia
91-105 Resolution of conflicting structures and deformation history of the Mount Aloysius granulite massif, western Musgrave Block, central Australia
107-125 Geochemistry and origin of felsic igneous rocks of the western Musgrave Block
127-146 Structural and pressure-temperature evolution of host rocks of the Giles Complex, western Musgrave Block, central Australia: evidence for multiple high-pressure events
147-153 Western extension of the Woodroffe Thrust, Musgrave Block, central Australia
155-161 A geophysical investigation of the southern margin of the Musgrave Block, South Australia
163-171 Remote sensing of mafic-ultramafic rocks: examples from Australian Precambrian terranes
173-193 Application of Landsat-S TM imagery to mapping of the Giles Complex and associated granulites, Tomkinson Ranges, western Musgrave Block, central Australia

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.16, no.3 (March 1996)

Pages Title

195 Australian Regolith Conference '94
197-202 Regolith stratigraphy: principles and problems
203-211 Ferricretes and deep weathering profiles of the Puzzler Walls, Charters Towers, north Queensland
213-221 Classification, genesis and evolution of ferruginous surface grains
223-229 Quaternary vadose calcretes revisited
231-241 Towards distinguishing transported and in situ ferricretes: data from southern Australia
243-251 Geochemical characterisation of iron-rich regolith materials in the Olary Block of South Australia
253-262 Morphology of lag in the Cobar region, New South Wales
263-270 Interpretation of fabrics in ferruginous lag
271-276 The differential weathering of granitic rocks in Victoria, Australia
277-287 Soil genesis in a longitudinal dune-swale landscape, New South Wales, Australia
289-294 The Brunhes/Matuyama Polarity Transition (0.78 Ma) as a chronostratigraphic marker in Australian regolith studies
295-301 Silcretes of the Mirackina Palaeochannel, Arckaringa, South Australia
303-307 Long-term landscape evolution on Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory
309-313 Discussion: Landscape evolution and tectonics in southeastern Australia (Ollier & Pain 1994)
315-317 Discussion: Landscape evolution and tectonics in southeastern Australia (Ollier & Pain 1994)
319-321 Discussion: Landscape evolution and tectonics in southeastern Australia (Ollier & Pain 1994)
323-324 Discussion: Landscape evolution and tectonics in southeastern Australia (Ollier & Pain 1994)
325-331 Reply: Landscape evolution and tectonics in southeastern Australia (Ollier & Pain 1994)
333-344 Calcareous microplankton biostratigraphy of the Eocene Browns Creek Clay in the Aire District, Otway Basin of southeastern Australia: an update
345-370 Geochemistry, origin, and tectonic setting of granitic rocks of the Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.16, no.4 (June 1996)

Pages Title

371 Thematic issue: Australian impact structures
373-375 A compendium of Australian impact structures, possible impact structures, and ejecta occurrences1
377-378 The significance of extraterrestrial impacts with reference to Australia
379-398 The Proterozoic impact record of Australia
399-420 The signature of terrestrial impacts
421-429 Australian crater-forming meteorites
431-442 Magnetic signature and morphology of the Acraman impact structure, South Australia
443-451 Sedimentology of the Neoproterozoic Acraman impact-ejecta horizon, South Australia
453-486 Gosses Bluff - a latest Jurassic impact structure, central Australia. Part 1: geological structure, stratigraphy, and origin
487-527 Gosses Bluff - a latest Jurassic impact structure, central Australia. Part 2: seismic, magnetic, and gravity studies
529-552 Impact structures as potential petroleum exploration targets: Gosses Bluff, a Late Jurassic example in central Australia
553-560 Thermal history of the Gosses Bluff impact structure, central Australia, from conodont colour-alteration indices: implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity and erosional history
561-566 Goyder impact structure, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory
567-585 The Cretaceous/Tertiary-boundary impact and its global effects with reference to Australia
587-607 Mega-impacts and mantle-melting episodes: tests of possible correlations
609-619 Structural interpretations of the Wonga Belt in the Proterozoic Mount Isa Inlier of northwest Queensland-a review

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.16, no.5 (May 1997)

Pages Title

621-636 Mafic dyke swarms of the western Musgrave Block, central Australia: their geochemistry, origin, and relationships to the Giles Complex
637-654 Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemistry of igneous and metamorphic rocks in the northern Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica
655-676 Fossil woods from the Upper Permian Bainmedart Coal Measures, northern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica
677-699 Biostratigraphy of Rig Seismic samples from Vening Meinesz seamounts, Christmas Island area, northeastern Indian Ocean
701-716 Early Ordovician fauna of the Gap Creek Formation, Canning Basin, Western Australia
717-730 A non-marine Lower Cretaceous rift-related epiclastic volcanic unit in southern Australia: the Eumeralla Formation in the Otway Basin. Part I: Lithostratigraphy and depositional environments
731-757 A non-marine Lower Cretaceous rift-related epiclastic volcanic unit in southern Australia: the Eumeralla Formation in the Otway Basin. Part II: fluvial systems

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.17, no.1 (October 1997)

Pages Title

1-11 BMR's legacy and AGSO's mission: strategic influences on the future direction of Australia's national geological survey
13-25 The sustainability of mineral use
27-31 The origin of the earth
33-48 Earth's evolution and mineral resources, with particular emphasis on volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposits and banded iron formations
49-54 The mantle beneath Australia
55-62 The origin and evolution of the Earth's continental crust
63-72 Paleogeothermal gradients in Australia: key to 4-D lithosphere mapping
73-92 Australian Neoproterozoic palaeogeography, tectonics, and supercontinental connections
93-99 The mantle dynamical repertoire: plates, plumes, overturns and tectonic evolution
101-111 Australia's buoyancy inherited from Gondwanaland
113-125 Australia and the Melanesian arcs: a review of tectonic settings
127-136 Geophysical mapping using the national airborne and gravity datasets: an example focusing on Broken Hill
137-143 The sesquicentennial of palaeomagnetism and rock magnetism in Australia
145-155 The Australian National Gravity Database

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.17, no.2 (February 1997)

Pages Title

3-9 Airborne geophysics in Australia: the government contribution
11-21 Australian national airborne geophysical databases
23-30 Airborne magnetic and gamm-ray data acquisition
31-38 Processing of airborne magnetic data
39-50 Fundamentals of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry
51-62 Calibration and data processing for airborne gamma-ray spectrometry
63-75 Enhancement and presentation of airborne geophysical data
77-82 Enhancements of the magnetic map of Australia
83-103 Magnetic petrophysics and magnetic petrology: aids to geological interpretation of magnetic surveys
105-113 Quantitative methods for interpreting aeromagnetic data: a subjective review
115-131 Regional magnetic and gravity responses of extensional sedimentary basins
133-144 Application of aeromagnetic surveys to sedimentary basin studies
145-158 Magnetic responses associated with mineral deposits
159-173 High-resolution geophysics in modern geological mapping
175-185 Interpreting aeromagnetic data in areas of limited outcrop
187-200 Interpretation of aerial gamma-ray surveys- adding the geochemical factors
201-216 Application of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry in soil/regolith mapping and applied geomorphology

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.17, no.3 (May 1998)

Pages Title

1-17 Geology and mineral deposits of the Pine Creek Inlier and McArthur Basin, Northern Territory
19-33 Geology and mineral deposits of The Granites-Tanami and Tennant Creek Inliers, Northern Territory
35-45 Geology and mineralisation of the Arunta Inlier, Northern Territory
47-59 Palaeo- and Mesoproterozoic mineral deposits in Queensland
61-73 An overview of post-Mesoproterozoic mineralisation in Queensland
75-86 The Early to Late Proterozoic Broken Hill Province, New South Wales
87-105 The Palaeozoic in New South Wales-geology and mineral resources
107-122 Palaeozoic geology and resources of Victoria
123-143 A summary of the economic geology and mineral potential of Late Proterozoic and Palaeozoic provinces in Tasmania
145-168 Tectonic evolution and exploration potential of the Gawler Craton, South Australia
169-182 Review of the Proterozoic geology and mineral potential of the Curnamona Province in South Australia
183-200 Tectonic and metallogenic framework of the Cambrian Stansbury Basin - Kanmantoo Trough, South Australia
201-221 Mineral potential of the Archaean Pilbara and Yilgarn Cratons, Western Australia
223-244 The geology and mineral deposits of the Proterozoic in Western Australia
245-260 Western Australia: Phanerozoic geology and mineral resources

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.17, no.4 (1998)

Pages Title

1-14 Australia's mineral resources and their global status
15-30 The hydrothermal environment
31-53 Precambrian metamorphism, fluid flow, and metallogeny of Australia
55-67 The Australian regolith and mineral exploration
69-73 Archaean volcanic-hosted massive sulphides
75-79 Palaeozoic tin ± tungsten deposits in eastern Australia
81-88 Nickel laterites: classification and features
89-96 Supergene gold deposits
97-104 Australian and western Pacific porphyry Cu- Au deposits
105-113 Proterozoic copper-gold deposits
115-120 Lennard Shelf Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Pb-Zn deposits, Western Australia
121-127 Komatiite-hosted nickel sulphide deposits, Australia
129-137 Palaeozoic volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposits
139-151 Platinum-group element mineralisation in Australian Precambrian layered mafic- ultramafic intrusions
153-162 Kimberlite and lamproite diamond pipes
163-168 Renison-style carbonate-replacement Sn deposits
169-187 Cobar-style polymetallic Au-Cu-Ag-Pb-Zn deposits
189-196 Proterozoic stratiform sediment-hosted Zn- Pb-Ag deposits
197-205 'Unconformity-related' U ± Au ± platinum- group-element deposits
207-211 BIF-hosted iron ore deposits-Hamersley style
213-216 Victorian gold deposits
217-223 Neoproterozoic Telfer-style Au (Cu) deposits
225-227 Weathered-profile-hosted precious opal deposits
229-237 Broken Hill-type deposits
239-246 Proterozoic metamorphic copper deposits
247-251 Sediment-hosted magnesite deposits
253-258 Archaean lode-gold deposits
259-275 Practical uses of chemical modelling- defining new exploration targets in sedimentary basins
277-284 Palaeomagnetism and mineral exploration related studies in Australia: a brief overview of Proterozoic applications
285-299 Outcrop and drill core gamma-ray logging integrated with sequence stratigraphy: examples from Proterozoic sedimentary successions of northern Australia
301-313 Use of O, C, and S stable isotopes in regional mineral exploration

AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol.17, no.5-6 (February 2000)

Pages Title

1-16 Seabed mapping using multibeam swath- mapping systems: an essential technology for mapping Australia's margins
17-33 Architecture and evolution of the Australian continental margin
35-42 Where is Australia's petroleum and how long will it last?
43-65 Evaluation of the undiscovered hydrocarbon resources of the Bowen and Surat Basins, southern Queensland
67-76 The problem of inconsistency between thermal maturity indicators used for petroleum exploration in Australian basins
77-104 Sequence stratigraphy: a review of fundamental concepts and their application to petroleum exploration and development in Australia
105-119 Quaternary Antarctic ice-sheet fluctuations and Southern Ocean palaeoceanography: natural variability studies at the Antarctic CRC
121-131 The late Cainozoic East Antarctic ice sheet
133-143 Paleocene-Eocene biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of East Antarctica: new data from the Mac. Robertson Shelf and western parts of Prydz Bay
145-157 Glacial-interglacial paleoceanography from Australian margin sediments: northwest Australian margin and Great Australian Bight
159-173 Sediment-water interaction in Australian coastal environments: implications for water and sediment quality
175-191 The use of sediments to assess environmental impact on a large coastal catchment-the Hawkesbury River system
193-201 Behaviour of aluminium and iron in acid runoff from acid sulphate soils in the lower Richmond River catchment
203-210 Impact of runoff on nutrient patterns in northern Port Phillip Bay, Victoria
211-225 Flushing of Australian estuaries, coastal lakes and embayments: an overview with biogeochemical commentary
227-231 Microbial nutrient cycling in seagrass sediments
233-237 Contaminant dynamics in offchannel embayments of Port Jackson, New South Wales
239-245 Methane anomalies in seawaters of the Ragay Gulf, Philippines: methane cycling and contributions to atmospheric greenhouse gases