Student Extension Programs
Last updated:14 August 2020

The annual day for local Canberra senior EES classes to visit Geoscience Australia is planned for the 21 August 2023 from 9:00am to ~1pm. Please email for further information. Online resources are also available.

Selected senior high school students visit us every January as a part of the National Youth Science Forum.

As part of the ACT Science Experience, Year 9 students visit Geoscience Australia to experience activities ranging from exploring geoscience in the lab to modelling Australia's coastline.

Geoscience Australia has students visit as part of the Australian Science Olympiad Competition. This national extension program for top performing secondary science students culminates in the International Science Olympiads.

The statement articulates Geoscience Australia’s existing efforts to engage girls in STEM, particularly as it relates to our education program.