Community safety sectors Insurance
Last updated:18 June 2024
Every sector we work with is managing the rapid acceleration of knowledge and capabilities within community safety. We help our collaborators navigate this growth by providing the data, tools, applications, and guidance needed to prepare for the future.

Working together
Our community safety team collaborate with insurance providers to:
- Better represent the uncertainties in hazard assessments
- Gain a better understanding of the disruption of economic activity caused by hazard events
- Better characterise exposure information and improve models of dynamic exposure and future populations
- Incorporate knowledge of community perceptions of risk and insurance penetration
- Support the enhancement of climate resilience into building codes
- Quantify the drivers of disaster risk
Learn more about our insurance sector collaborations geared towards improving the preparedness, response and recovery cycle of natural hazard events.
Top products

Case study Estimating terrorism loss in Australian cities
How Geoscience Australia used computational modelling to estimate the financial losses associated with terrorist blasts and chemical or biological plume releases.

Our world-class terrorism modelling capabilities are vital to understanding the physical damage and financial losses from a terrorist attack in Australia.