International obligations
Page last updated:27 June 2014
International obligations for earth monitoring activities within Geoscience Australia include:
Geodesy and Global Navigation Systems
- Agreement with NASA for the operation of MOBLAS 5.
Rabaul Volcano Observatory
- This project contributes to the Australian Government's foreign policy objectives through AusAID
- The AusAID Strategic Plan identifies that enhanced emergency response is an initiative of the organising theme of Fostering Functioning and Effective states in the strategic framework for the Australian Overseas Aid Program
- The monitoring of volcanoes falls under the heading of Geoscience as referred to in the DRET Outcome statement for Geoscience Australia.
Nuclear Monitoring
- Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) - Australia is a signatory
- Facility agreement between the Australian government and the CTBTO for the establishment and operation of IMS stations in Australia
- Contract 2003-0502 for conducting post certification activities for primary CTBT IMS stations in Australia
- Independent subnetwork agreement for provision of data from Australia's three IMS auxiliary stations to the CTBTO
- Agreement between the governments of Australia and the United States of America for the management and operation of the Joint Geological and Geophysical Research Station at Alice Springs.
Geophysical Network
- Contract 2003-0502 for conducting post certification activities for primary Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) International Monitoring System (IMS) stations in Australia
- Agreements with international organisations for the provision of Australian seismic, infrasound and hydroacoustic data for use in tsunami, earthquake and nuclear monitoring activities.