Environmental management system policy

Page last updated:8 April 2016

Our organisation

Geoscience Australia is the national agency for geoscientific information and knowledge. Our research and information contributes to enhanced economic, social and environmental benefits to the community by providing input for decisions that impact upon resource use, management of the environment, and the safety and well-being of Australians. Geoscience Australia has specific outcomes and outputs that stem from our broad corporate aim. Our major planned outcome is enhanced potential for the Australian community to obtain economic, social and environmental benefits through the application of first class geoscientific research and information.

Our environmental management commitment

This Environmental Policy covers all the activities of Geoscience Australia, at Symonston; as well as other buildings and properties currently occupied by Geoscience Australia which include Data Acquisition Facility, Alice Springs; Observatories and Remote Sensing Stations; and all of its field work activities.

Flowing from the way our agency interacts with the environment; Geoscience Australia will regularly review its operations and set meaningful annual environmental objectives and targets. These objectives and targets will flow from the more significant environmental activities based on Geoscience Australia’s risk management process. This process will ensure that Geoscience Australia continues to work towards preventing pollution and continually improving its relationship with the environment.

Part of this regular review will be a process of ensuring that Geoscience Australia continues to meet its regulatory, legislative and all other applicable requirements.

This policy will be made available on the staff intranet, on Geoscience Australia’s public website and in the public area of the Symonston building.

Dr Chris Pigram
Chief Executive Officer