Update on Geophysical Data Acquisition March 2014

Location State Survey % Complete Gravity Stations Flight Lines Spacing Ground Clearance Comments
Widgiemooltha North WA Airborne magnetic and radiometric 100%
N/A 92 000 line km; east-west;
area 8200km²
100m 50m agl

The survey covered the northern half of the Widgiemooltha 1:250 000 Map Sheet.

Survey data acquisition was completed on 27 January 2014. Raw point-located data was received at Geoscience Australia on 19 March 2014.

Kalgoorlie East, Kurnalpi North WA Airborne magnetic and radiometric 92%
N/A 211 672 line km; east-west; area 19 200 km² 100m 50m agl

The survey covered the eastern two-thirds of the Kalgoorlie 1:250 000 Map Sheet and the northern half of the Kurnalpi 1:250 000 Map Sheet.

Survey data acquisition was completed on 15 March 2014. The raw data were accepted by Geoscience Australia on 31 March 2014.

Southwest Coastal Plain, Albany, Esperance WA Airborne electromagnetic
100% N/A

8607 line km;
Line dir. variable;
4570km² est.

300m and 600m TBA

The survey covered the Esperance (pt), Mount Barker (pt), Albany (pt), Augusta (pt), Pemberton (pt), Busselton (pt) and Collie (pt) standard 1:250 000 Map Sheets.

Final data were received by Geoscience Australia on 17 January 2014.

Menzies South WA Airborne magnetic and radiometric 82% N/A 92 000 line km; east-west; area 8200km² 100m 50m agl

The survey covers the southern half of the Menzies 1:250 000 Map Sheet.

Survey data acquisition was completed on 16 March 2014. Raw data supplied to Geoscience Australia on 31 March 2014.

Kurnalpi South WA Airborne magnetic and radiometric 21% N/A 92 000 line km; east-west; area 8200km² 100m 50m agl

The survey covers the southern half of the Kurnalpi 1:250 000 Map Sheet.

The survey commenced data acquisition on 28 January 2014 and was 47% complete on 30 March 2014.

Southern Thomson Orogen
GA/NSW/Qld Airborne electromagnetic
N/A 6305 line km
5000m TBA

The survey contract was formally executed by Geoscience Australia on 14 March 2014. The survey crew mobilised to the area on 24 March 2014 to commence the survey.

Reconnaissance Gravity Surveys Stage 3
WA Gravity
N/A A nominal estimated 53 900 stations in total
Ngururrpa: 2.5km grid
NE Yilgarn: 2.5km grid
SW Yilgarn: 2km along roads

The Ngururrpa Region survey covers the Cornish, Lucas Helena, Stansmore standard 1:250 000 Map Sheets.

The northeast Yilgarn survey covers the Herbert, Robert, Throssel, Duketon, Rason, Laverton, Sir Samuel, Leonora, Laverton, Wiluna, Nabberu standard 1:250 000 Map Sheets.

The southwest Yilgarn survey covers two areas:

  1. Perth - Geraldton, Yalgoo, Dongara, Perenjori, Hill River, Moora, Bencubbin, Perth, Kellerberrin, Pinjarra, Corrigin
  2. Albany - Collie, Dumbleyung, Newdegate, Pemberton, Mount Barker, Bremer Bay.

The survey Quotation Request opened on 28 January 2014 and closed on 27 February 2014.

West Amadeus NT Gravity TBA TBA N/A 4km regular with areas to be defined for 2km infill

The proposed survey covers the Mount Rennie (pt), Mount Liebig (pt), Bloods Range, Lake Amadeus (pt); Petermann Ranges and Ayers Rock (pt) standard 1:250 000 Map Sheets. The nominal survey boundary covers an area of 45 050 km2.

Dunmarra NT Airborne magnetic and radiometric TBA TBA N/A TBA TBA The survey is being planned in an area between the 2007 Tanumbirini and 2001 Sturt airborne geophysical surveys

Geoscience Australia will be managing the data acquisition program in Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and the Northern Territory..

For more information, please email clientservices@ga.gov.au; or phone 1800 800 173.

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